Lightning has broken a finger off the right hand of Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro。里约热内卢的耶稣基督雕像16日夜遭闪电打击,右手大拇指尖被削掉。
Father Omar, rector of the shrine
that holds the statue, told the Globo radio station that lightning frequently strikes the nearly 100-foot tall statue, a symbol of Rio that overlooks the Brazilian city from the peak of the Corcovado mountain。耶稣神像所属教区的奥马尔牧师向巴西环球之声透露,这座坐落在科尔科瓦山之巅的基督雕像高达100英尺,俯瞰城市的耶稣基督已经成为里约热内卢的城市标志,而其却经常成为闪电击打的对象。
Its right hand had been damaged sometime ago, but the finger finally broke off in a storm late Thursday。之前基督雕像的右手就曾被闪电毁损过,但在上周四的一场暴风雨中,右手中指尖还是被削掉了。
“lightning does not strike the same spot twice. But with the Christ it does,” the priest said on Friday。“闪电一般不会两次击中同一个地方,但对于这座基督雕像来说是个例外。”周五牧师受访时称。
A lightning rod and other equipment are in place “to protect the image,” but they do not always do the trick, he said。牧师称,避雷针和其他的设备都已到位来“保护雕塑的形象”,但它们不是总能发挥作用的。
Father Omar noted that people who work at the site are usually warned in advance by city officials about electrical storms so they can ensure the safety of the thousands of visitors at the site on top of Corcovado mountain。奥马尔神父还提到,通常会有提前的官方雷电预警通知神像所在风景区的工作人员,这样在科尔科瓦山顶瞻仰基督塑像的千万游客的安全就得到了保障。
“I have already endured the situation of being at the Christ at a time of rain and a lot of lightning, and it is scary. But we have a plan to quickly take all visitors away from there,” the priest said。“我在这里已经经历了好些坏天气了,比如下大雨或者雷暴天气。但我们有快速疏散游客的紧急计划。”牧师说道。
The statue is set to be refurbished next month, so this and other damage are set to be fixed。该塑像计划于下月进行整修,这样新旧损伤也将于一并修复。