
2014年02月07日16:36  沪江英语 微博   
日前加拿大人气小天王贾斯汀·比伯因为酒驾,吸食大麻等一系列负面事情被逮捕入狱后,在白宫网站上,一封超过25万人签名的请愿书要求将贾斯汀驱逐出境。 日前加拿大人气小天王贾斯汀·比伯因为酒驾,吸食大麻等一系列负面事情被逮捕入狱后,在白宫网站上,一封超过25万人签名的请愿书要求将贾斯汀驱逐出境。
日前加拿大人气小天王贾斯汀·比伯因为酒驾,吸食大麻等一系列负面事情被逮捕入狱后,在白宫网站上,一封超过25万人签名的请愿书要求将贾斯汀驱逐出境。 日前加拿大人气小天王贾斯汀·比伯因为酒驾,吸食大麻等一系列负面事情被逮捕入狱后,在白宫网站上,一封超过25万人签名的请愿书要求将贾斯汀驱逐出境。

  The White House says it will be responding to a petition calling for the deportation of troubled Canadian-born pop star Justin Bieber。

  白宫日前表示将会回应驱逐加拿大人气歌手贾斯汀 比伯出境的请愿书。

  With more than 251,000 signatures and counting, the deportation request is well over the 100,000 names a petition on the White House website needs before the Obama administration is required to respond to it。


  White House press secretary Jay Carney said Friday the response will come "relatively soon."

  白宫新闻秘书杰伊 卡尼尔周日回应说“会很快答复”。

  The 19-year-old Bieber has made headlines recently for a series of run-ins with police related to an egg-throwing attack on his neighbor&0#39;s house in Los Angeles and alleged alcohol and drug violations。


  The "We the People" petition calling for his return to Canada was created on January 23, the same day Bieber was arrested in Miami on charges of driving under the influence, resisting arrest and driving with an expired license。

  在白宫网站的We the People 请愿页面,民众要求遣返他回加拿大。请愿书生效的当天也就是1月23日,比伯又在迈阿密被捕,罪名是酒驾、拒捕和无证驾驶。

  The petition describes the singer as "dangerous, reckless, destructive, and drug abusing." It says he is not only "threatening the safety" of the American people, but "he is also a terrible influence" on the nation&0#39;s youth。


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