Here the pictures reveal just how similar the royals are... 下面的几组图片告诉你“撞脸”王妃们的相似度吧……
Princesses of the piste: Princess Mary on the Swiss slopes and Kate skiing in 2008, also in Switzerland. 滑雪道上的王妃们:玛丽王妃在瑞士滑雪道的斜坡上,2008年凯特王妃也在瑞士滑雪。
Pretty in pink: Princess Mary in a pretty floor-length gown and the Duchess of Cambridge in equally stunning Jenny Packham dress. 粉红佳人:玛丽王妃身着拖地长裙,凯特王妃身着同样美艳的珍妮·帕克汉礼裙。
Spring brides: Princess Mary tied the knot with Prince Frederik in May 2004 while Prince William and Kate married in April 2011. Both brides opted for veils and long-sleeved dressed and wore tiaras. 春天的新娘:玛丽王妃在2004年5月与丹麦王储弗雷德里克喜结连理,而威廉王子和凯特王妃则在2011年4月结婚。两位新娘都选择了面纱与长袖婚纱,并头戴皇冠。
Mothers: The world's press were waiting for both women after they gave birth for the first time and left hospital with their newborns wrapped in cream swaddling shawls. 均为人母:全世界的媒体都在等待着这两位王妃第一次产子之后,怀抱着裹在奶油色襁褓中的宝宝离开医院的那一刻。
The royal babies were both christening in long, Victorian style gowns accompanied by their glamorous mothers. 两位皇家宝宝都裹着长长的、维多利亚风格的礼袍接受洗礼,都由美丽的妈妈陪伴着。
Sport fans: Princess Mary spectating at the Athens Olympics and Kate cheering on Team GB at the London Olympics. 运动迷:玛丽王妃出席观看雅典奥运会,凯特在伦敦奥运会上为英国队喝彩。
Royal blue: Tweed suits are in style for both women. 皇室蓝:花呢套装非常适合两位王妃。
Putting on the glitz: Both women know how to pull out all the stops to look glamorous on a special occasion. 闪光灯下:王妃们都明白如何使出浑身解数,在特殊的场合令自己看起来光彩照人
Double take: White coat, check. Nude heels, check. Hat, check. Talking to Duchess of Cornwall, check. 分身:白色大衣,一样;裸色高跟鞋,一样;帽子,一样;正和康沃尔公爵夫人讲话,一模一样。
Travelling in style: Princess Mary in a royal carriage and the duchess wears a netted hat in a similar mode of transport. 旅行中的穿衣风格:玛丽王妃坐在皇家马车上,凯特王妃带着网帽也坐在同样的马车上。
Same taste in jewellery: The princess wears a long gold chain with spheres similar to that once seen on Kate. 对珠宝饰品的品味相同:玛丽王妃戴着一条有圆形坠子的金制的长项链,凯特王妃也有相似款式的项链。
Maternity chic: Both women remained stylish throughout their pregnancies. 孕妇装:两位王妃在怀孕期的衣着仍然十分时尚。
There may be a ten year age gap between the Duchess of Cambridge and Princess Mary of Denmark but the pair could easily pass as twins. With their wavy brunette hair, petite features and slim figures, the physically resemblance between the two is uncanny。
But the royals have much more in common than just appearance. Both were 'ommoners' who married a prince. Princess Mary is native to Australia and met her husband-to-be during the Sydney Olympics. Like Kate, who met Prince William at university, she had no royal roots。
The pair both share a love of sport, are both mothers and will both one day be queens。
They also share an impeccable sense of style, looking the part whatever the occasion. In fact, their taste in clothing is so similar, they have even been known to wear the same coat - but thankfully not on the occasion they met when Kate visited Denmark。