1. Tom Hanks 汤姆·汉克斯 "Does Bosom Buddies hit the 100-episode mark?" “《亲密伙伴》更新到100集了吗?” "No. But don't worry, you'll be fine." “没有。不过不要担心,你会好起来的。”
2. Sandra Bullock 桑德拉·布洛克 "Kid, I've got some advice for you: Say yes to all the cop roles, and to anything involving transportation. Except – and this is crucial – stay away from cruise ships." “孩子,给你点建议:接受所有的警察角色,以及有关交通的电影角色。还有一点很重要,远离游轮。”
3. Meryl Streep 梅丽尔·斯特里普 "I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is, you don't look like that anymore. The good news is, neither does the subway." “我有一个好消息和一个坏消息。坏消息是你已经不复年轻的模样;好消息是瞧这地铁也变样了。”
4. Matthew McConaughey 马修·麦康纳 "Is it all right if I call you McConaughey?" "我可以叫你麦康纳吗?" "Only if it's all right if I call you McConaughey." “当然了,只要我也可以叫你麦康纳的话。"
5. Leonardo DiCaprio 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 "Gosh, you're a handsome fella! Tell me, do you kiss a lot of pretty ladies?" “天哪,好一个英俊的型男!告诉我,你是不是吻了很多漂亮的女士?” "More than you know. More than you know ..." “比你知道的要多一些,比你知道的要多一些……”
6. Julia Roberts 茱莉娅·罗伯兹 "So how many children do Kiefer and I have?" “我到底和基弗生了多少个小孩?” "About that ..." “这个嘛……”
7.Jennifer Lawrence 詹妮弗·劳伦斯 "Sweet, sweet child: Forget that pout. Soon you will be a cool girl, and you will be more powerful than you ever imagined." “亲爱的孩子,忘掉所有的不愉快吧!很快你就会变成一个很酷的女孩,你会比你想象的更强大。”
8. Jared Leto 杰瑞德·莱托 "Does My So-Called Life hit the 100-episode mark?" “《我的青春期》更新到100集了吗?” "No. But don't worry, you'll be fine." “没有。不过不要担心,你会好起来的。”
9. Christian Bale 克里斯蒂安·贝尔 "Are you afraid of me? That's all right – I'm afraid of me, too." “你怕我吗?没事,我也怕我自己。”
10. Amy Adams 艾米·亚当斯 "There will be a time when you are offered a role in a little movie called Junebug. Take it, like your life depends on it." “将来某个时候,有人会让你在一个叫《六月虫》的小电影里扮演一个角色。一定要接受,因为你就是靠这个角色生活的。”
Through the magic of Photoshop, we've sent 10 of 2014's Oscar nominees back in time to chill with their younger selves. Would the elders impart crucial career advice? Would the youngsters be shocked at the crags and wrinkles they acquired? Or would they all, as actors, see the experience as crucial research for their next role?