英14岁学霸嫌作业少 带领同学游行抗议(双语)

2014年03月18日16:07  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
Aaron Parfitt Aaron Parfitt
Aaron Parfitt Aaron Parfitt
Aaron Parfitt Aaron Parfitt

  英国兰开夏郡布莱克浦区14岁少年Aaron Parfitt,嫌学校作业太少组织了100多学生罢课抗议。

  “因为在学校的数学考试不及格让我非常担心,我只是想确保我能够收到正常的教育。”Aaron Parfitt表示,“我们的功课布置得太少,所以我打电话给委员会确认他们是否会帮助我,但他们不能,”在投诉解决无门时,他组织了100多同学们罢课抗议。

  而此次罢课的结果是学校无奈的表示,将给Aaron Parfitt停课两天的处理。


  A schoolboy has been excluded from lessons after he organised a mass protest over a lack of homework.

  Aaron Parfitt, 14, led 100 of his fellow pupils on a walkout at Bispham High School in Blackpool last Wednesday over concerns about teaching standards。

  Despite his eagerness to learn, Aaron was told he was banned from lessons for the next two days, and now claims to have been excluded again ahead of a meeting between teachers and his mother。

Aaron originally contacted Blackpool Council and Ofsted to raise concerns over the quality of teaching before losing patience and organising the 100-strong walkout last Wednesday.

  Teachers took a dim view of his actions and excluded him for two days on Thursday and Friday last week - much to the anger of his mother Janet, 52.

  Now Aaron - who returned to the school today - claims he has been told he has been excluded again ahead of a meeting with teachers and Mrs Parfitt later this afternoon.

  'I'm absolutely fuming they've excluded him because he's doing the best he can to get a good education,' she said。

  'He was only trying to stick up for himself and his mates and then he gets told to stay away from the school for two days,' she added。

  Mrs Parfitt says her son emailed Blackpool Council and Ofsted to say he was worried about teaching standards, but claims they kept passing him on to other numbers。

She says Aaron eventually got so 'fed up' that he started to organise the protest.

  'I got a voicemail from the school telling me that Aaron had been excluded for two days and that they were going to call me back to chat to me about what he'd done,' Mrs Parfitt said。

  'They asked me to go in with Aaron today to discuss it but they didn't phone me back to talk properly so it's wrong that I'm being asked to take time off work to go in,' she added。


  Walkout: Aaron says that on returning to school today, he was told he had been excluded again

  Aaron said he felt forced into staging the mass walkout after raising his concerns to the school's acting head teacher, his head of year, and the head of the maths department。

  He said: 'I failed my maths exam in school and I was really worried because I just wanted to make sure I was able to do the work properly.'

  'We've had loads of different teachers and we weren't getting enough homework so I decided to call the council and Ofsted to see if they would help me but they couldn't,' he added。

  Aaron said that after his complaints got nowhere, he and a group of friends decided to walk out of their lessons。

  He said that by the time the group got to the school's playing field, they noticed a large number of pupils had followed。

  'There must have been around 100 people with me in the end and everyone sent me messages afterwards saying well done for sticking up for my friends,' Aaron said。

  In May last year Bispham High School was placed under special measures by Ofsted inspectors who said standards were low and that there was too much 'mediocre teaching'。

  A more recent report, conducted in September, said the school was making 'reasonable progress' - although acting head teacher Deborah Hanlon-Catlow said it was still a 'challenging' period。

  'This is undoubtedly a challenging time for the school。

  However, with support from Blackpool Council, we will continue to work to try to improve teaching standards, attendance, behaviour and punctuality,' she told the Blackpool Gazette at the time,' she said。

  'This will not happen overnight but we will continue to work with Ofsted, parents, staff and pupils towards gradual improvement,' Mrs Hanlon-Catlow was quoted as saying。

  'The school has a proactive policy in dealing with complaints from both parents and pupils... We are also passionate about ensuring that pupils and parents have a voice and are listened to,' she added。

  Councillor Ivan Taylor, Blackpool Council's cabinet member for children's services, said: 'The school is going through a transitional period...However, this is not an excuse for poor standards and we have given additional support to the school to try to help it to improve.'

  'The welfare and education of the pupils is our number one priority and we always make sure that complaints are thoroughly investigated.'




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