
2014年04月12日17:00  沪江英语 微博    收藏本文     


Good Time ManagementGood Time Management

  What makes a genius a genius?


  According to these graphics, it&0#39;s good time management。


  From Mozart to Freud and Darwin to Dickens, the waking, working and, in some cases, procrastinating of history&0#39;s greatest minds are laid out for scrutiny。


  From Balzac drinking 50 cups of black coffee a day, to Milton spending hours memorising the Bible, the results are not always as you would expect. The variation is also surprising, from Freud&0#39;s 13 hours of work a day to Mozart&0#39;s four, there is not, alas, a simple recipe for success。


Time 时间
Activity 活动
22:00-6:00 Sleep 睡觉
6:00-6:30 Breakfast was coffee, which he prepared himself with great care - he determined that there should be sixty beans per cup, and he often counted them out one by one for a precise 。吃早餐,即贝多芬自己精心冲泡的咖啡:咖啡一定要是每杯60个咖啡豆,他经常一颗一颗地精确数出来。
6:30-14:30 Compose 作曲
14:30-15:30 Dinner with wine 有葡萄酒的正餐
15:30-17:30   A long vigorous walk - always carried a pencil and a couple of sheets of music paper in his pocket一次精力充沛的散步:他总是在衣兜里带着一支铅笔和几页五线谱纸
17:30-21:00 Stop at a tavern to read newspaper在一家小酒馆停步,看报
21:00-22:00 Simple supper, followed by a glass of beer and a pipe简单的晚餐,然后喝杯啤酒,抽根烟
Time 时间
Activity 活动
1:00-6:00 Sleep 睡觉
6:00-7:00 Dressing 穿衣
7:00-9:00 Compose 作曲
9:00-13:00    Lessons 上课
13:00-17:00   Lunch and social 午餐和社交
17:00-21:00 Compose or concerts 作曲或参加音乐会
21:00-23:00 Courting Constanze 向康斯坦丝求爱
23:00-1:00 Compose: "I often go on writing until one - and am up again at six."作曲:“我经常写到凌晨1点钟,第二天早上6点钟再起床。”
Time 时间
Activity 活动
0:00-7:00 Sleep 睡觉
7:00-8:00 Wake 起床
8:00-9:00 Breakfast 早餐
9:00-14:00 Writing in study in absolute quiet在绝对安静的书房中写作
14:00-17:00  Vigorous walk through the countryside or London精力充沛地在乡村小路或伦敦街道上散步
17:00-18:00 Gap time 休息时间
18:00-19:00 Dinner 晚餐
19:00-24:00 Friends and family 和朋友及家人共度时光
Time 时间
Activity 活动
0:00-7:00 Sleep 睡觉
7:00-7:30 Short walk 短途散步
7:30-8:00 Solitary breakfast 独自吃早餐
8:00-9:30 Focused work interrupted by occasional trips to the snuff jar集中精力工作,偶尔吸鼻烟瓶中断
9:30-10:30 Read personal mail, listened to wife Emma read family letters aloud读私人信件,听妻子艾玛出声朗读家庭信件
10:30-12:00   Work 工作
12:00-12:30 Walk fox terrier "Polly" 带着自己的猎狐梗犬“波莉”出去遛遛
12:30-13:00 Lunch 午餐
13:00-14:00 Read newspaper 看报
14:00-15:00 Writer letters 写信
15:00-16:00 Nap 小憩
16:00-16:30 Third walk of the day 第三次散步
16:30-17:30 Work to tie up loose ends 工作,完成一天的收尾工作
17:30-18:00 Idleness 消闲
18:00-19:00 Rest while Emma reads current novel-in progress休息,听妻子艾玛读时下小说
19:00-20:00 Tea with an egg 喝茶,吃鸡蛋
20:00-21:00 Play backgammon with Emma 和艾玛玩双陆棋
21:00-22:00 Read scientific book 读科学书籍
22:00-24:00 Like awake in bed solving problems喜欢在床上保持清醒,解决问题
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