美一男童走失 忠犬暴雨中守护小主人(双语)

2014年05月12日10:03  沪江英语 微博    收藏本文     
美一男童走失 忠犬暴雨中守护小主人美一男童走失 忠犬暴雨中守护小主人

  A lost boy was found safe and sound in North Dakota this week under the protection of his beloved dog, Cooper。


  After 3-year-old Carson Urness went missing from his yard around 7:30 p.m. Monday, a search party of about 200 people was organized to find the child. About seven hours later, one of the volunteers spotted the golden retriever-german shepherd mix near a knoll; Carson was huddled underneath the pup. It appears the dog protected the missing boy from a thunderstorm by using his body to shield him。

  Carson Urness今年3岁,周一晚上7点30分左右他从自家庭院里失踪,此后一个由约200人组成的大队开始了搜寻工作。7小时后,有个志愿者在一座小丘附近发现了一条金毛和德牧的混种狗,而Carson正被它拥在身下。看上去这条忠狗在雷暴雨中用自己的身体保护了它的小主人。

  "You think of the worst, but then I knew Cooper was gone. If anyone was going to find him, they'd just have to find Cooper," Carson's mother told WDAZ-TV。


  The boy and his dog were discovered about a mile away from the family's Cooperstown farm. Though those on foot were called off from the search around 2 a.m. Tuesday due to heavy rain, ATV riders continued until one four-wheeler spotted the dog。


  As Carson rode back to the family home on the ATV, Cooper reportedly followed closely behind. The 3-year-old was taken to a local hospital for evaluation but appears to be in good shape after the ordeal, thanks to his loyal dog。


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