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2013年11月20日11:18  沪江英语 微博   我有话说

1/9"We found him tucked together with his two siblings in the back yard of the Santa Cruz SPCA," mom of three Jessica Shyba writes on her blog of the puppy her family brought home last week。 “我们是在圣克鲁斯大学动物保护协会的后墙边找到它的,它和它另外两个兄弟姐妹挤在一起。”已经是三个孩子母亲的杰西卡·夏芭在博客上这样写到。上周她和家人一起将这只小狗带回了家。

  • Theo appears to be enjoying his new home very much... particularly at naptime. 西奥看起来非常喜欢它的新家……尤其是在午睡时间。
  • Every day now, when Shyba puts 23-month-old Beau down for his nap, Theo follows. 现在,每天夏芭将1岁11个月大的儿子博放到床上午睡的时候,西奥都会跟来。
  • Once Beau is asleep, she brings the puppy into his room.
  • Their daily naps have turned into
  • On her blog, she adds that she hopes to give back.
  • Shyba has been blown away by all the support for Theo and Beau. 人们对夏芭的博客 “西奥与博”的关注使她备受感动。

  "We found him tucked together with his two siblings in the back yard of the Santa Cruz SPCA," mom of three Jessica Shyba writes on her blog of the puppy her family brought home last week。


  "He was the shyest of them all to meet us, though he bounded instantly into [my son] Beau's lap as soon as he entered their pen. The look on his little furry face was enough to seal the deal for me, we had met our newest family member."


  This lovable dog is not merely a family member, though: the puppy, renamed Theo, has also become the co-star of an irresistible photo series on Shyba's Instagram account。



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