
2014年05月29日17:37  沪江英语 微博    收藏本文     






  1. You and your kind are a canker on the body social。


  2. I was born rich, certainly, but I remain rich by virtue of exceptional conduct. I have shown restraint。


  3. If you aspire to inherit my property, you must prove yourself more worthy。


  4. His addresses were offered in a manner violent enough to be flattering。


  5. Her taste was refined, her sentiments noble, her person lovely, her figure elegant。


  6. He does, with his preening, prancing, Irish-cum-Bond-Street airs。


  7. I would regard it as a mark of extreme favour if you would stoop to honour me with this next dance。



  1. - I have been told there is much to see upon a walk, but all I’ve detected so far is a general tendency to green above and brown below。

  - Yes, well, others have detected more. It is celebrated. There’s even a book about Selborne Wood。

  - Oh. A novel, perhaps?

  - Novels? Being poor, insipid things, read by mere women, even, God forbid, written by mere women?

  - I see, we are talking of your reading。

  - As if the writing of women did not display the greatest powers of mind, knowledge of human nature, the liveliest effusions of wit and humour and the best-chosen language imaginable?

  - Was I deficient in rapture?

  - In consciousness。

  - It was... It was accomplished。

  - It was ironic。

  2. –Her heart is stirred。

  - It’s a summer squall。

  - Mr. Lefroy will soon be gone. And Mr. Wisley will still be waiting, I hope。

  - The man’s a booby。

  - Oh, he will grow out of that. And she could fix him with very little trouble. You could persuade her。

  - To sacrifice her happiness? Jane should have not the man who offers the best price, but the man she wants。

  - Oh, Mr. Austen. Must we have this conversation day in and day out? We’ll end up in the gutter if we carry on like this。

  3. - Lying to tradesmen, mending, scratching, scraping. Endlessly making do!

  - I understand that our circumstances are difficult, ma’am。

  - There is no money for you。

  - Surely something could be done。

  - What we can put by must go to your brothers. You will have nothing, unless you marry。

  - Well, then. I will have nothing. For I will not marry without affection, like my mother!

  - And now I have to dig my own damn potatoes!

  - Would you rather be a poor old maid? Ridiculous, despised, the butt of jokes? The legitimate sport of any village lout with a stone and an impudent tongue? Affection is desirable. Money is absolutely indispensable。

  - I could live by my.。。

  - Your what?

  - I could live by my.。。

  - Pen? Let’s knock that notion on the head once and for all。

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