
2014年06月08日13:59  沪江英语 微博    收藏本文     
艺术家画《美女与野兽》壁画求婚成功 艺术家画《美女与野兽》壁画求婚成功
艺术家画《美女与野兽》壁画求婚成功 艺术家画《美女与野兽》壁画求婚成功
艺术家画《美女与野兽》壁画求婚成功 艺术家画《美女与野兽》壁画求婚成功

  A romantic street artist proposed to his girlfriend with a 50ft piece of street art featuring characters from her favourite Disney film。


  It took Henry Barnes, 28, two days and 30 cans of paint to create the spray-painted masterpiece featuring the words Stacey Smith Will You Marry Me。


  He then took fiancee Stacey Smith, 26, for a coffee and walked past the mural illustrated with characters from her favourite Disney film Beauty And The Beast。


  Upon realising her other half of three years was actually popping the question, Stacey, a PhD student at Bristol University, burst into tears before saying 'yes'。


  She said: 'Henry didn’t tell me what he was doing. I knew he was painting but I didn’t know what. 'It took him two days to finish the thing but he managed to keep it a secret from me.'He rang me and asked if I wanted to meet up for a drink in Stokes Croft (in Bristol) after work and I didn’t have a clue what was going on。

  她说:“亨利没有告诉我他在做什么。我知道他在画画,但我不知道是在画什么。“他花了两天时间完成这幅作品,但是他设法保守了秘密没有让我知道。他打电话给我,问我是否想在下班以后在布里斯托尔的Stokes Croft见面喝杯咖啡,而我一点也不知道会发生什么。“

  'Henry didn’t even say anything to me - I walked around the corner and just saw the piece, it was so unexpected I just burst into tears. “


  'It did all feel a bit unreal and then Henry got down on one knee. It was incredibly romantic and it also felt very strange because there were a lot of people around who started clapping and cheering。“


  'The whole thing happened so quickly, it was a bit of a whirlwind and we have no plans in place yet but we will probably get married next spring. I really didn’t see all this coming but it will certainly be one of those things I always remember。“


  'Everyone has a favourite Disney film and Beauty and the Beast was mine growing up. Henry knew it was my favourite and that’s why he used Belle and the Beast.'


  The couple first met three years ago when they were working together in a call centre.They recently took part in a 140km hike across the Peak District to raise funds for the Meningitis Research Foundation, where Henry works. Henry, who lives with Stacey in Montpelier, Bristol, joked that after putting up with each other for the duration of the challenge they could get through anything。

  这对夫妻三年前第一次相遇,当时他们在一个呼叫中心一起工作。他们最近一起参加了一项徒步英国峰山国家公园的活动(the Peak District,英国最早设立的国家公园,英文一般译为峰区国家公园),目的是为亨利工作的脑膜炎研究基金会募集资金。亨利和丝黛茜在布里斯托尔的蒙彼利埃居住,亨利开玩笑说,经历过彼此忍受对方一段时间的挑战后,他们可以一起读过一切。

  Henry, who creates graffiti under the street name Fiver, said: 'It was a tough slog but we managed to get through the whole thing without falling out with each other.'I decided that if we could do that without a major row we must have something pretty special going.'

  亨利,就是在一条名为Fiver的街道里创建了这幅涂鸦壁画的作者,他说道:“徒步峰山公园是一个艰难的苦差事,但我们设法克服了一切而且彼此不争吵." 我决定,如果我们能办到这事情,而且没有什么大的争吵,我们应该有更特别的打算。“

  I knew I was going to propose but I didn’t want to do anything that was too cliche so I came up with this idea about three weeks ago.'I have never done anything as big as this before. I spent the first day painting the wall over and the second day I spent all day painting.'It took me eight hours but I managed to catch Stacey completely by surprise. When she saw what I had done she just burst into tears, she was so thrilled.'


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