The city of Ningbo eased home buying restrictions on Wednesday after two other cites in the affluent Yangtze River Delta lifted property purchase limits earlier this week。
为了给楼市降温(cool the property market),全国多地自2011年起纷纷出台“房屋限购”(home buying restrictions/ property purchase limits)政策。其中,北京不但对外地购房者(migrant buyers)做出了严格的限制规定,而且还跟多数城市一起对二套房购买者出台了限制政策,包括:提高按揭利率(higher mortgage rates)和提高二套房首付(bigger downpayments on second homes)等。
到目前为止,约有20个二三线城市放松或取消了房屋限购(ease or lift home buying restrictions),不过全国性的房产政策(nationwide property policy)尚未有变动的迹象。