焦急地等待自己点的菜上来的过程中,服务员却拿着一盘色香味俱全的美味菜肴走向了……旁边那桌!你火辣辣的目光也不能改变你没有点到好菜的事实,这就是dish envy(邻桌嫉妒)。
Dish envy is the sudden, intense longing and regret derived from watching a particularly appetizing dish being delivered to a nearby table, and realizing that one has made an inferior menu selection。
When we go to a new restaurant we are not familiar with, we always choose to order food we are interested in instead of those that are more delicious, which more often are delivered to a nearby table. A better solution would be to study the restaurant before going to it, checking out the popular dishes in order to avoid “dish envy”。
来到一家不熟悉的新餐厅,我们一般会点自己感兴趣的菜,而不是那些最美味的菜,而这些美味常常在邻桌和你“相见恨晚”。较好的应对之道是,在去那家餐厅之前做足功课,看看哪些菜肴人气最高,这样就不会出现“邻桌嫉妒” 啦。
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