女明星被P进经典名画 是惊艳还是惊囧(双语)

2014年09月24日10:36  新浪教育     收藏本文     


女明星被P进经典名画 是惊艳还是惊囧(双语)女明星被P进经典名画 是惊艳还是惊囧(双语)

  One innovative artist has created quirky artwork which re-imagines classical paintings with the faces of famous, modern day stars such as Angeline Jolie。

  一个很有创意的艺术家创造了一种古怪的艺术,就是重新想象把安吉丽娜 朱莉等当今明星的面孔放到古典绘画作品中来。

  Multimedia producer Eisen Bernard Bernardo, 28, from Los Ba os, Philippines, has created the clever works for his series called Mag + Art, where he takes photos of celebrities from magazine covers and carefully places them over images of people in famous classical paintings。

  来自菲律宾洛斯巴尼奥斯的28岁多媒体制作人埃辛 伯纳德 贝尔纳为他的系列作品《杂志+艺术》做出了这种巧妙地创意,即把杂志封面上的明星照片采集下来并将它们仔细地放入古典艺术名画作品中。

  In his work, singer Adele fits perfectly as Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. Angelina Jolie on the cover of Esquire magazine is re-imagined as the famous face of Venus in Botticelli’s classic painting The Birth of Venus and Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring has Keira Knightley’s face from the cover of Interview magazine。

  在他的作品中,歌手阿黛尔非常适合达芬奇的《蒙娜丽莎》。安吉丽娜 朱莉在《时尚先生》杂志封面上的照片放在在波提切利的名画《维纳斯的诞生》里,重现了维纳斯的经典面容 。《访谈》杂志封面上的凯拉 奈特莉则演绎了维米尔的《戴珍珠耳环的少女》。


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