
2014年11月03日10:06  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  Nobody could deny that Kylie Minogue and Andre Balazs make a handsome couple. Balazs, a man about town best known for his celebrity-studded restaurants and hotels, is tall and dark with a penchant for suave suits and a touch of Gene Kelly in his muscular build and grace。

 凯莉·米洛和安德烈·巴拉斯 凯莉·米洛和安德烈·巴拉斯


  So could Hungarian-born Balazs, an eligible 57-year-old worth £300 million, be the answer to Kylie’s romantic woes? That seems extremely doubtful, given his status as one of Hollywood’s most eligible, but toxic, bachelors。


  Let’s not forget that Kylie had her heart broken by cheating Gallic actor Olivier Martinez in 2007 and took years to recover。


  It is hard to see in what world Balazs, who makes Martinez look like an amateur in the love stakes, could be the man to give Kylie the security she clearly craves。


  One has only to glance at the roll-call of rich, famous and beautiful women he has romanced and parted from to work that one out. From Renee Zellweger to Sharon Stone, it seems there is no female celebrity who has not fallen at his feet at the merest flash of his dazzling smile。


  Only last month he was spotted unloading a truckload of charisma at the feet of Pippa Middleton, who was all giggles and hair-flicks over lunch at the Firehouse。


  His former girlfriends include film star Uma Thurman, singer Courtney Love and actresses Renee Zellweger, Sharon Stone and Cameron Diaz。


  That’s to say nothing of his dates with fashionista Daphne Guinness and model Naomi Campbell. Indeed, even rock chick Courtney Love, renowned for her wild ways, once observed that ‘he can be a bad boy’。


  Now, however, Balazs in the spotlight not for his business but for his personal life, and his new link to Kylie Minogue。


  Naturally, the pair are being discreet about what may be occurring between them. Kylie’s spokesman had nothing to say on the subject yesterday, nor did a PR for Balazs。


  That’s not to say, of course, that romance is not blossoming now. Though perhaps the real question is not what is happening between them, but whether Kylie is really wise to dine out with the man who has broken the hearts of some of Hollywood’s most beautiful women。


文章关键词: 双语花花公子

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