From iPhones to the latest Apple Watch, most people find it difficult to accurately recall what the 'most recognizable' brand's logo looks like when tested。从苹果手机到最近的苹果手表的发布,很多人在被测试苹果商标的时候,都没有准确找出正确商标。
The reason for this is because people are constantly hounded with logos which makes it difficult to remember them, researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles found。来自洛杉矶,加利福尼亚大学研究者发现,这是因为人们沉浸在商标的海洋中,这样让受众很难记住他们。
When asked to draw the Apple logo, only one in 85 participants were able to recreate it correctly in terms of shape, bite size and leaf shape and orientation。当受访者被问及画出苹果商标的时候,85个人里只有一个能正确画出它,就形状,咬痕,叶子大小和方向而言。
However, less than half of participants were able to identify it from a set of 12 similar Apple logos with altered features, according to the study which was published last month。然而,一半不到的参与者能从12个改变了特征的相似苹果商标里辨认出正确的。这是据上月发表的研究所说的。
While it might initially be thought of as an easy task, when faced with all of the varying logos, it becomes increasingly difficult。一开始,这看似是项简单的任务,但面对这么多不同商标的时候,这项任务就变得困难了。
Considering the fact that people are exposed to the Apple logo on products from mobile phones, computers and laptops, it could be expected that good memory would hold strong when correctly recognizing the logo。鉴于人们被暴露在苹果商标产品的世界中:手机,电脑,笔记本,正确鉴商标时,好的记忆力是很重要的。
However, 'memory is often tuned towards remembering gist-based schematic information' researchers said, which means details can be quickly forgotten。然而,记忆力经常是记那些有象征意义的简略图的,也就是说细节可能很快就忘记了。
The findings provided support for theories of attentional saturation, in attentional amnesia and reconstructive memory, as well as how availability can lead to overconfidence when it comes to memory。这些研究发现给注意力饱和注意力健忘和重塑记忆理论提供了支持。在记忆方面,可获得性能导致过分自信。
While people are often exposed to the logo, they stop paying attention to the details of it which could be due to the fact that it is so simple and widely available, said researchers。人们被暴露在苹果商标产品的世界中,他们对细节之处就不够注意,这是因为该商标太简单,太容易看到了。
Similarly, when it comes to other logos such as the Google letters, many people have difficulty remembering the correct colors。同样的,说道谷歌字母商标的时候,很多人很难记住它正确的颜色。
Researchers said this is because attention and memory are not always tuned to recalling what we consider memorable。研究者说,这是因为注意力和记忆并不是一直都去记我们认为值得记住的东西。