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双语:25镑宜家毛毯秒杀时尚Burberry披肩 双语:25镑宜家毛毯秒杀时尚Burberry披肩
双语:25镑宜家毛毯秒杀时尚Burberry披肩 双语:25镑宜家毛毯秒杀时尚Burberry披肩
双语:25镑宜家毛毯秒杀时尚Burberry披肩 双语:25镑宜家毛毯秒杀时尚Burberry披肩
双语:25镑宜家毛毯秒杀时尚Burberry披肩 双语:25镑宜家毛毯秒杀时尚Burberry披肩
双语:25镑宜家毛毯秒杀时尚Burberry披肩 双语:25镑宜家毛毯秒杀时尚Burberry披肩

  There are obvious difficulties in wearing a blanket in the street. For example, a few days ago I met a very fashionable person wrapped in one in the country, and was not alone in assuming she was recuperating from something nasty。裹着毯子在街上晃悠确实有点难度。举个例子,前几天我在乡下碰见了一个裹着毯子的潮人,我觉得认为她精神大概曾出了点问题的人不止我一个。

  However, absurd as it sounds, the blanket (or poncho, drape, cape, wrap, maxi scarf or whatever you want to call it) is having a moment. Burberry’s, thick, 15 per cent cashmere, 85 per cent wool blankets in yellow, blue and red — and costing nearly £900 — were the toast of their autumn/winter show this year, and looked rather fetching (not a hard task, admittedly) on Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Cara Delevingne. To someone like me who loves their bed and hates getting out of it, wandering around draped in a blanket is a good halfway house。即使听上去很荒谬,但毯子(或者说斗篷、窗帘、披肩、围巾、超长围巾或随便什么)现在确实很火。博柏利一款以黄、蓝、红为配色,含有15%羊绒、85%羊毛的厚毛毯售价高达近900英镑,成为了其今年秋冬时装周上的宠儿。罗西·汉丁顿-惠特莉和卡拉·迪瓦伊穿上它确实很好看(这也不是什么难事)。对于像我这样特别喜欢自己的床,总是不想下床的人来说,裹着毯子到处跑确实不失为一个折中的好办法。

  But can they really be an acceptable form of outerwear?但人们真的能够接受把毯子当外衣穿吗?

  And as they are after all only blankets, would anyone actually be able to tell the difference between this autumn’s designer creations and a £25 one from Ikea? 毕竟他们只是毯子而已,谁能真的分辨出博柏利今秋的时尚杰作与宜家25英镑的毯子到底有什么区别?

  Knitted wrap, £29.50针织披肩,29.50英镑

  This reliable M&S wrap is all Ribena and summer pudding colours, with a fringe. It’s easy to wear, with no special wrapping required — and as it’s knitted, its weight stops it from sliding off. You could tie it at the front if you needed your hands free。这款M&S披肩的颜色就像利宾纳果汁和夏令布丁一样,有流苏装饰。非常易穿,没什么特别需要注意的事项。而且因为是针织的,它比较重,不会从肩上滑下来。如果两手有事要做,你可以把它在身前打个结。

Knitted wrap, £29.50针织披肩,29.50英镑Knitted wrap, £29.50针织披肩,29.50英镑

  Check wool and cashmere blanket, £895, burberry.com你可以登录博柏利的官网去一睹这条售价895英镑的羊毛羊绒毯

  The original Burberry masterpiece that kicked off the blanket trend. This does feel very expensive, which is lucky because it is. It’s very thick — perhaps overly so for a transitional autumn day, but wonderful on a chilly, breezy one. As it’s heavy, it stays on better than most。这就是掀起毛毯时尚的那款博柏利的杰作。看上去确实感觉很贵,幸好是这样,因为它确实很贵。这条毛毯很重,在入秋时节穿可能太热了,等到秋风瑟瑟时,穿着倒是不错。因为较重,也不会到处乱飘。

  Blanket, £25, ikea.com毯子,25英镑,宜家官网

  The utilitarian option. I have to admit that when draped by a stylist — I certainly couldn’t manage to make it look stylish myself — you might think this was designed for a person rather than a sofa. But it feels rough and scratchy. I got the sense that if I lay down in a London park, people might start parking their flasks and sandwiches on my back!性价比超高的一个选项。我必须承认,造型师总能把它摆成很好的样子,但我自己弄的时候,怎么弄看上去都不潮。你可能会这样想,这是给人穿的,不是套在沙发上的。但它的质感真的很粗糙,有点刺人。我有种预感,如果我穿着它躺在伦敦公园里,人们可能会把酒瓶子和三明治放在我的背上。

 Blanket, £25, ikea.com毯子,25英镑,宜家官网 Blanket, £25, ikea.com毯子,25英镑,宜家官网

  Multi block poncho, £129多层斗篷,129英镑

  Jigsaw’s attempt is made of lovely fabric, with rough, blankety edges, and it’s in strong colours just like the Burberry one. However, there’s so much of it you could set up camp in it, so careful draping is required. I wouldn’t wear this one anywhere near an escalator。拼贴风格斗篷,布料柔软,边缘做成了随意粗糙的感觉,用色很浓,跟博柏利的毛毯很像。但是斗篷层次比较复杂,造型时需要花费一番功夫。我是不会在电梯附近穿这个的。

Multi block poncho, £129多层斗篷,129英镑Multi block poncho, £129多层斗篷,129英镑

  Stripe blanket cape, £25条纹披肩斗篷,25英镑

  Tasselled and, washable, this grey-and-white blanket goes with anything and is very easy to wear because it’s thin enough to be flexible, thick enough to be warm, cosy as afternoon tea and incredibly comforting; I didn’t want to take it off. In fact, I didn’t take it off for hours. 这款灰白两色斗篷在边缘饰有流苏,耐洗,好搭配,易穿,因为它的厚薄程度正好,足够轻便也足够保暖,就跟下午茶一样舒适安然。我简直不想把它脱下来。实际上,我好几个小时都没把它脱下来。

文章关键词: Burberry披肩宜家毛毯

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