
2015年03月26日14:35  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
双语:浪漫夫妇新婚携手环游地球90天 双语:浪漫夫妇新婚携手环游地球90天
双语:浪漫夫妇新婚携手环游地球90天 双语:浪漫夫妇新婚携手环游地球90天
双语:浪漫夫妇新婚携手环游地球90天 双语:浪漫夫妇新婚携手环游地球90天
双语:浪漫夫妇新婚携手环游地球90天 双语:浪漫夫妇新婚携手环游地球90天
双语:浪漫夫妇新婚携手环游地球90天 双语:浪漫夫妇新婚携手环游地球90天
双语:浪漫夫妇新婚携手环游地球90天 双语:浪漫夫妇新婚携手环游地球90天
双语:浪漫夫妇新婚携手环游地球90天 双语:浪漫夫妇新婚携手环游地球90天
双语:浪漫夫妇新婚携手环游地球90天 双语:浪漫夫妇新婚携手环游地球90天
双语:浪漫夫妇新婚携手环游地球90天 双语:浪漫夫妇新婚携手环游地球90天

  Anyone struggling to decide on a venue for their upcoming nuptials, take note。那些没法决定在哪举办婚礼的新人们可以留意一下喔!

  American couple, Cheetah Platt and Rhiann Woodyard, have come up with the ultimate way to celebrate their love: by getting married in as many places around the world as they can in just under 90 days。一对美国夫妇,普拉特和伍德亚德想出了庆祝他们爱情的终极之道:在90天的时间里一起尽可能的走遍全球去结婚。

  1 Cheetah Platt (left) and Rhiann Woodyard (right), from Los Angeles, have decided to get married in 12 countries around the world.1普拉特(左)和伍德亚德(右)来自洛杉矶,他们已经决定走遍全球12个国家去结婚。

  2 One of the couple's most recent stops? Egypt, where they tied the knot in front of an audience of camels and pyramids in the background.2 这对夫妇最近停留的一个国家是哪里呢?埃及,在这里,他们在骆驼和金字塔的背景下喜结连理。

  3 Platt and Woodyard first embarked on their round-the-world trip on February 8, flying to Bogota, Colombia.3 普特拉和伍德亚德2月8号出发开始环球旅行。第一站是哥伦比亚的波哥大。

  4 One of the first few stops, the couple stopped in Spain for a beautiful ceremony amid the dramatic architecture. 4 作为环球旅行的前几站之一,这对夫妇在宏伟的西班牙建筑里举办了漂亮的婚礼。

  5 When they aren't officiating their stunning ceremonies, the couple takes in local experiences, like the Giraffe Center in Nairobi, Kenya.5 这对夫妇并不举行盛大的官方婚礼,而是去各地体验当地风情,就像在肯尼亚奈诺比的长颈鹿中心那样。

  6 One of their favourite ceremonies took place in Mumbai, India. 'What a wonderful wedding!' Platt wrote. 'This ceremony meant so much.'6 他们最喜欢的婚礼仪式之一是在印度的孟买。普拉特写道“多么美妙的婚礼啊!这个仪式意味着太多。”

  7 The couple's second ceremony, also in Colombia, took place in the lush greenery for which the South American country is known.7 他们第二场婚礼也安排在哥伦比亚著名的绿荫中。

  8In Ireland, the pair had three ceremonies in one day! Here, they are standing in Glendalough Cathedral in the Wicklow Mountains.8 在爱尔兰,他们一天有三场仪式!这里,他们站在威克洛山脉的格兰达洛大教堂。

  9 While in Africa, the couple got married again in a 'romantic Casablanca wedding,' which took place in the evening.9 在非洲,他们在晚上再次举办婚礼,这次是‘浪漫的卡萨布兰卡婚礼’。

  10 The first wedding took place in Colombia. 'Many more to come,' Platt posted on Facebook. 'I have finally married the woman of my dreams!10 他们的第一场婚礼是在哥伦比亚。普拉特在脸书里写道‘更多场婚礼会来临,我终于同我梦想中的女士结婚了!’(来源:沪江英语)

文章关键词: 环游地球新婚夫妇浪漫旅行

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