So says longtime financial writer Terry Savage, who hasco-written a new book on how to discuss and negotiate key moneyissues with your spouse-to-be, to give your relationship the bestchance for success ('The New Love Deal: Everything You Must KnowBefore Marrying, Moving In, or Moving On!')
资 深财经作家特里·萨维奇(TerrySavage)如是说道。她与人合作撰写了一本新书,讨论如何与准配偶讨论并协商处理一些重要的金钱问题,为双方的结合创造更大的成功机会。(新书名为《爱情新论:在结婚、同居或分手前必须知道的一切!》(The New Love Deal: Everything You MustKnow Before Marrying, Moving In, or Moving On!))
While you probably can't change your mate's basic moneypersonality, you can avoid arguments and hidden resentments bytalking honestly about your finances and putting certain plans inplace before you head down the aisle. With wedding season aroundthe corner, here's an Investing Basics checklist for people aboutto tie the knot:
Take inventory
'The most important thing is to talk about your debts and to takean inventory of what assets each of you has, ' says Holly Kylen, afinancial adviser with Voya Financial in Lititz, Pa。
宾夕法尼亚州提兹市(Lititz) Voya Financial公司的财务顾问霍利·凯伦(HollyKylen)表示:“重中之重是讲明各自的债务,对各自名下的各项资产都盘点清楚。”
One way to start the conversation is to swap credit reports,preferably over a nice bottle of wine, says Ms. Savage. If yourspouse-to-be is on the hook for student loans or child support,discuss whether and to what extent you're willing to help bear thecost。
Credit scores are a source of stress in one in five marriages,but spouses who discuss credit scores before marriage are morelikely to agree on how to use credit as a couple, according to astudy about to be released by Experian Consumer Services。
Experian ConsumerServices即将发布的一项研究报告显示,在各种婚姻危机中,信用记录导致的压力占到了两成。而婚前讨论过信用记录问题的夫妻,更容易就如何使用信用达成共识。
Next, decide how you're going to handle the money. While it'sunderstandable that some couples, particularly older ones, preferto keep separate accounts, at least at first, many financialadvisers recommend working toward paying all joint expenses out ofa joint account。
'Marriage is complicated anyway, ' says Michael Eisenberg, anaccountant and financial adviser in Los Angeles. 'This is one easyway to simplify things.'
If you each earn an income, consider having your paychecksdirect-deposited into separate accounts, then automaticallytransferring a certain amount--perhaps proportional to your incomeor to other obligations--into a joint checking account from whichyou pay your bills online, recommends Ms. Savage。
Setcommon goals
From there you might set up additional joint accounts forshort-term (one to two years) and medium-term (three to five)goals, such as saving to buy a car or a house. This requires doinga little budgeting。
'Both people need to be flexible, ' Mr. Eisenberg adds. Sayyou're used to saving $200 a paycheck for a rainy-day fund, butyour partner thinks that's overkill. You might agree to insteadsave $100 plus part of any tax refunds or bonuses that come along.'The key to this is dialogue, ' he says。
Savefor retirement
'Make sure no one makes a dime without putting something away forretirement, ' says Ms. Kylen. You and your partner don'tnecessarily have to save identical amounts. 'Equal is notsynonymous with fair, ' says Ms. Savage。
But you should coordinate how much you're going to save and whatsavings vehicles you're going to use. If one partner's employeroffers a 401(k) matching contribution, it probably makes sense forthat person to contribute at least enough to qualify for theemployer match。
Consider whether you'll need insurance, and if so factor thepremiums into your budget. 'If you're buying a home together youneed life insurance, ' says Ms. Savage. Disability insurance can'thurt either, says Mr. Eisenberg。
And don't forget to change the beneficiaries on any existinginsurance policies, as well as retirement accounts and so-calledpay-on-death accounts, which supersede your will and go directly tothe named beneficiaries。
Gay married couples need to be especially careful when namingtheir spouse beneficiary of an annuity. Since insurance isstate-regulated, 'same-sex couples today should not assume aspousal benefit [known as a 'spousal lifetime income benefitrider'] will work, ' says Ms. Kylen, who recently married herpartner of 20 years. 'It would be best to have it in writing or tosee same-sex language in your document just to cross your T's.'
Considera prenuptial
If neither you nor your partner is equipped to talk aboutfinancial matters, enlist the help of a close friend, relative,financial adviser or lawyer, says Mr. Eisenberg。
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