
2015年04月10日14:07  爱语吧     收藏本文     

  When you’re under the weather the last thing you want is to eat something that makes you feel worse. But what if the last thing you want is chicken soup or crackers, and you’re craving ice cream or a glass of wine? It depends on what’s wrong with you, experts say. Here are common symptoms and expert suggestions on foods。


  You’re feeling nauseous


  Feeling queasy makes all foods sound unappealing, but the right ones can ease symptoms by calming stomach acids, says Dr. Lee. "In general, keep food portions small and odors to a minimum."


  Best foods: Saltine crackers or pretzels can help, says Dr. Lee, as does small quantities of dry toast or cereal. Ginger or lemon tea, fresh or frozen lemon slices, and peppermint also work。


  Worst foods: Greasy, spicy, or oily foods, caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated drinks can make nausea worse。


  It hurts to swallow


  When you have a sore throat, several foods can coat your throat and soothe the pain, says Lauren Slayton, RD, founder of Foodtrainers.com and author of The Little Book of Thin (Perigee 2014)。

  注册营养师劳伦·斯雷顿是Foodtrainers.com创始人,也是《The Little Book of Thin》一书的作者,她说,当嗓子痛时,一些食物可以舒缓疼痛。

  Best foods: Combine peppermint tea (lukewarm, not hot)—which has analgesic and anesthetic effects—and Manuka honey, which is known for its wound-healing properties. Soft, creamy foods such as cream soups, mashed potatoes, yogurt, scrambled eggs, and custards are also soothing。


  Worst foods: Avoid hot liquids and hard, scratchy foods such as potato chips, nuts, and granola. The acidic juices from raw fruits and vegetables, as well as orange juice, grape juice, and lemonade can also irritate a sore throat。


  Your entire body aches


  Foods that ease muscle aches depend on the specific reason for the body aches, says Kristine Arthur, MD. "For general muscle aches, food containing magnesium or calcium may help ease soreness," she says。


  Best foods: Magnesium-containing foods include nuts, bananas, beans, leafy greens, and avocados. Foods high in calcium such as canned salmon, yogurt, dark-green leafy greens, and orange juice also lessen muscle cramping and pain。


  Worst foods: Anything that dehydrates you can worsen muscle aches, says Dr. Arthur, particularly alcohol and caffeine。


  Your head hurts


  Dehydration is one of the leading causes of headaches, says Dr. Arthur, so it’s best to treat that cause first and see if it relieves your pain。


  Best foods: Water and other fluids are your best bet. "Drink a bottle of water and wait 20 minutes to see if you feel better," says Dr. Arthur. Caffeine is known for drying you out, but ironically, it can help in small doses. "But for each cup of tea or coffee, drink an equal amount of water to avoid dehydration," Dr. Arthur says。


  Worst foods: Headache-triggering foods include artificial sweeteners, MSG (found in sauces and soy sauce), aged cheeses that contain tyramine, plus chocolate, red wine, hot dogs, deli meats, and dried fruit。



文章关键词: 双语饮食生病健康

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