A truly beautiful face, it is often said, is as close to being symmetrical as is humanly possible. The curve of the cheekbones, the shape of the eyes, the trace of the lips — all should be nearly identical on both sides for the face to achieve aesthetic perfection。人们常说一张真正美丽的面孔应该尽可能的对称。颧骨的弧度,眼睛的线条,嘴唇的轮廓——所有这些都应该在两半边脸上近乎完全同一,才能达到美学上的完美。
But, in reality, symmetry is an unobtainable ideal. Blemishes always creep in — a mole, a wrinkle, a kink in the jawline。可是,在现实世界中绝对对称是一种不可及的理念。瑕疵总是悄然现身——一颗痣,一条皱纹,下颌线条上的一处突兀等等。
Throughout history, even the world’s most beautiful women have had asymmetrical faces. Research has revealed that nearly half of women have a preferred half of their face — and it’s their right. A recent survey found they felt so strongly about not showing their ‘bad side’ that they panicked when a photograph was taken from the left。纵观历史,即使是世上最美的美人面也并非是完全对称的。研究显示,近乎一半的女性偏爱她们某边侧脸的容姿。
So, next time a camera points your way, remember: beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as long as you turn the right cheek。所以,下次有摄影镜头对准你的时候,记住:情人眼里出西施,只要向右把头支。
1.There’s no doubt which side of Cheryl Fernandez-Versini has the X Factor. From the right, her dazzling smile can be seen to full effect, from the left she’s just a Geordie lass。不用怀疑Cheryl Fernandez-Versini的哪个侧面更具有“英国偶像”的风度。从右侧来看,她惊艳的微笑颜值满分,从左边来看,她只能算一个俏妞。(来源:沪江英语)
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