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盘点速激7让人肾上腺素飙升的跑车 盘点速激7让人肾上腺素飙升的跑车
盘点速激7让人肾上腺素飙升的跑车 盘点速激7让人肾上腺素飙升的跑车
盘点速激7让人肾上腺素飙升的跑车 盘点速激7让人肾上腺素飙升的跑车
盘点速激7让人肾上腺素飙升的跑车 盘点速激7让人肾上腺素飙升的跑车
盘点速激7让人肾上腺素飙升的跑车 盘点速激7让人肾上腺素飙升的跑车
盘点速激7让人肾上腺素飙升的跑车 盘点速激7让人肾上腺素飙升的跑车
盘点速激7让人肾上腺素飙升的跑车 盘点速激7让人肾上腺素飙升的跑车

Two hundred and thirty cars were harmed in the making of Fast & Furious 7. They were raced off ramps, parachuted from planes and driven head-first into each other。《速度与激情7》整部电影拍摄下来,报废了230辆车。这些车子牺牲得都很壮观:要么被迫偏离坡道,要么坠机后借降落伞着地,要么duang地一下迎面相撞。

  For the seventh instalment in the multi-million dollar joy-riding franchise, the emphasis was on real stunts. Only 10 per cent of the action sequences

  in the film were generated by computer, which goes some way to explaining why so many of 340 cars used in the film were trashed。耗资数百万的超跑盛宴《速度与激情7》,其亮点就在于真实的特技表演。电影中只有10%的场景是电脑生成的,这也就在某种程度上解释了为什么340辆车中有那么多报废的。

  The Lykan HyperSport莱肯超级跑车


  This Middle Eastern supercar, made by the Beirut-based company W Motors, is the most expensive to feature in a Fast & Furious film. There are only seven models of the car in the world, with each one priced at around £2.3 million。这款中东超级跑车由位于黎巴嫩港口贝鲁特的W Motors汽车公司制造,是《速7》中最昂贵的车。莱肯超跑在全世界仅有7辆,每辆售价高达230万英镑(约340万美元,2100万人民币)。

  Even the headlights on this car are outrageous, illuminated with white gold, diamonds and sapphires。就连车灯都是由白金、钻石和蓝宝石打造的,令人瞠目结舌。

  1970 Dodge Charger道奇Charger(1970)

  This modified 1970 Dodge Charger, which is the signature

  car of Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel), is one of five cars dropped from a Lockheed C-130 Hercules plane in one of Fast & Furious 7's most spectacular stunts, shot above the Arizona desert。这款改装版1970年道奇Charger是片中男主角多米尼克·托雷托(范·迪塞尔饰)的标志用车。影片中,美国洛克希德马丁公司出品的C-130海格力斯飞机坠下5辆汽车,其中就包括道奇Charger——这一幕是《速7》中最壮观的片段之一,拍摄于美国亚利桑那沙漠。

  One Charger was dropped from 12,000ft and another exact replica

  from 8,000ft. Attached to military-grade parachutes, most of the cars survived the drop. In total, nine versions of the Charger were made for the film。一辆道奇从12,000英尺的高空坠落,另一辆同样的道奇从8,000英尺高空坠落。由于装在了军用级降落伞,大部分高空坠落的汽车侥幸保命。据悉,机械师为该片设计了总共9个版本的Charger。

  Aston Martin DB9阿斯顿马丁

  Director James Wan - who himself drives a Prius - is pictured here with the Aston Martin DB9, the car of choice of the film's British villain, played by Jason Statham。《速7》导演温子仁自己拥有一辆丰田普锐斯汽车,但本图中他合影的汽车是阿斯顿马丁DB9——这正是影片中英国反派角色德卡特·肖(杰森·斯塔森饰)的座驾。

  Statham's Aston Martin is involved in a head-on collision with Vin Diesel's Dodge Charger in Fast & Furious 7.《速7》上演了这样一幕:范·迪塞尔的道奇Charger与斯塔森的座驾阿斯顿马丁duang地一下迎面相撞!

  The cars were attached to cables and driven into each other by remote control. With each car travelling at 40mph, a massive amount of damage was caused. "It was awesome," says McCarthy. "It shook the ground like an earthquake."拍摄过程中,两辆汽车时速均达40英里,然后受连接了线路的远程遥控相撞——duang一下几乎完全报废了。“这画面简直棒呆了!”该片的首席车辆专家麦卡锡说道,“撞击强烈地撼动了地面,简直像地震一样。”

  2011 Dodge Challenger R/T2011年道奇挑战者R/T

  This classic American muscle car is driven by Michelle Rodriguez's Letty Ortiz; in it she saves Paul Walker's Brian O'Conner from the coach trip from hell。这款经典美国肌肉车是米歇尔·罗德里格兹的座驾,就是用这辆车、她才得以挽救保罗·沃克饰演的警探布莱恩·奥康纳于悬崖危难。

  Plymouth 'Cuda普利茅斯Cuda

  Driven by Letty Ortiz, this souped-up 1970 Plymouth 'Cuda first appeared in the previous film in the series, Fast & Furious 6.女主角莉蒂的座驾,这辆加足马力的普利茅斯Cuda在《速度与激情6》中第一次亮相。

  Subaru Impreza WRX STi斯巴鲁翼豹WRX STi

  This 700-horsepower Nissan was one of the cars driven by Paul Walker's Brian O'Conner in Fast & Furious 7. Seven were used in the production; the only one that wasn't wrecked now resides in the Hollywood Star Cars Museum in Gatlinburg, Tennessee。这辆700马的日产尼桑车是《速7》中警探布莱恩·奥康纳(保罗·沃克饰)的座驾之一。影片制作中共用了7辆斯巴鲁,唯一未报废的那辆现在存放在田纳西州加特林堡的好莱坞明星汽车博物馆中。


文章关键词: 跑车速度与激情双语道奇

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