A brightspark photographer has put together some perfect pictures of cute puppies posing in hammocks.
John Daniels compiled the collection of heartwarming camera shots to celebrate National Pet Day on Saturday.
The Surrey 61-year-old used a number of comical props in front of white studio backgrounds to collate the different images。
And with having decades of experience working with animals, he knew a number of tricks to ensure the pets stayed relaxed for the photos。
He said: "I use the studio because I can't rely on the British weather, I've had to cancel shoots in the past, so using the studio and building a set means it's one less thing to worry about。
"Photographing any animal can be tricky and with shoots outside there is more chance of the animal escaping or being frightened by the big outdoors。
"I have very good animal handlers that I use, they have lots of contacts in the animal world and tell me what's available at any time。
"The hardest part is timing, I have to get each animal at the right age, so hatching eggs to coincide with kittens or puppies takes a bit of planning。
"I've found that the older the animal is the harder it is to get it to sit with another, when they are very young they don't really know whats going on, and a ducking will happily snuggle up to a kitten or anything else that feels cosy。
"I never force an animal to do anything, so if they don't look happy it won’t look good in the picture and we try something else, or give them time to settle。
"All the animals react in different ways, so it’s quite often trial and error。
"I love working with any animal, wild or domestic, its a privilege to be able to。
文章关键词: 国际宠物节各种萌宠来袭宠物
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