
2015年04月24日09:19  中国日报网 微博    收藏本文     

  导读:据美国科技媒体网站The Verge4月21日报道,《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)披露,谷歌即将推出其专属的无线服务,并将于4月22日正式公开。正如之前流出的消息所言,该服务运行于Sprint公司和T-Mobile公司。


  It was only a matter of time before the Apple Watch inspired some far-out concept videos for new Apple products the faithful would like to see. Strangely, the arrival of the company's first signature wearable has inspired the below bizarre take on an iPhone 7 that borrows the watch's novel dial, called the "digital crown" by Apple.

  据美国科技媒体网站The Verge4月21日报道,《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)披露,谷歌即将推出其专属的无线服务,并将于4月22日正式公开。正如之前流出的消息所言,该服务运行于Sprint公司和T-Mobile公司的网络,而且前期只能兼容谷歌Nexus6(上图)。预计该手机能够根据两个网络信号的强弱进行切换。《华尔街日报》还表示,客户将只需支付他们使用的手机流量费用,而不是每月购买固定的手机流量,还会失去未使用的手机流量。

  Like Google Fiber, Mountain View's foray into high-speed broadband, the wireless service won't be a mainstream offering — at least at first. "We don't intend to be a carrier at scale," Google senior VP Sundar Pichai said at Mobile World Congress last month. "I think we're at the stage where we need to think of hardware, software, and connectivity together. We want to break down the barriers on how connectivity works."

  Sprint担忧搭载谷歌的访问量过大,与Google光纤(Google Fiber)及芒廷维尤(Mountain View)的高速宽带相同,谷歌无线服务将不会是一个主流的产品,至少在前期会这样。“我们不打算做成运营商的规模。”在三月的移动通信世界大会(Mobile World Congress)上,谷歌高级副总裁桑达尔·皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)说道,“我认为我们如今所在的阶段,正是需要我们考虑硬件、软件,以及如何将两者完美统一的阶段。我们要打破阻碍统一工作的障碍。”

  Still, Sprint reportedly had concerns about carrying Google's traffic, with chairman Masayoshi Son said to have agreed to the deal under the condition of volume limits that allow for renegotiation if Google's service becomes too big.

  不过,据报道,Sprint公司担心搭载谷歌的访问量过大,该公司董事长孙正义(Masayoshi Son)表示,其与谷歌达成协议,同意在谷歌服务量过大的情况下,进行流量限制。

文章关键词: 谷歌谷歌即将推出专属的无线服务

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