
2015年04月14日11:06  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
谷歌高管专访 求职最忌讳什么?谷歌高管专访 求职最忌讳什么?

  “For most people, work sucks, but it doesn’t have to。”“大多数人觉得上班糟透了,其实工作本不必如此。”

  That’s from Laszlo Bock, who heads up people operations at Google, overseeing more than 50,000 workers in 70 offices around the world。这句话出自谷歌高管拉兹洛·博克,他手下的5万名员工在全世界70个办公室内工作。

  Bock spoke with The Huffington Post about Google’s people philosophy and how to get hired at the company, which consistently is ranked as one of the best places to work。博克接受赫芬顿邮报的采访,谈到了谷歌人的哲学,以及如何加入这家一直被认为是最佳单位的公司。

  Google can treat workers well and offer this stuff because, you know, it's Google. What are some amazing benefits that any little company can do?谷歌能善待员工是因为它是谷歌。有没有什么福利是任何小公司都能提供的?

  This is going to sound crazy, but maternity leave. We give five months with full pay: salary, bonus, stock. If you have more than 10 or 20 employees you can do this。产假,虽然听起来有点疯狂的。我们提供5个月完全带薪的产假,包括工资、奖金和股票。如果你手下有超过10个或20个员工,你也可以这样做。

  We used to do 12 weeks of salary, and women who came back from leave quit at twice the rate of men. Now it’s the same as men. We have a similar program for paternity leave and same-sex parents。曾经我们的产假是12周,只支付工资。那时,休完产假的女员工的离职率是男员工的2倍。现在,离职率已经下降到和男性员工一样了。我们还为准爸爸和同性恋双亲提供了类似的福利。

  On the face of it, you’re losing two months of a worker’s productive time. But someone can pick up the slack. It more than pays for itself in not having to go recruit someone brand new. The reality is: Most people don’t have that many babies. Anyone can duplicate this。表面上,你损失了员工2个月的工作时间。但其他人能够补上缺口。而且重新招聘新人会损失更多。事实上,大多数人不会生那么多小孩。任何人都能在自己的公司里提供这一福利。

  What’s the business case for treating workers well?善待员工的商业价值在哪里?

  The bottom line is you sleep well at night by treating people the way you want to be treated。底线就是己所不欲勿施于人,这样晚上才能睡的香。

  You can only get so far by yelling at people and managing tightly. A lot of what [Google employees] do involves discretionary effort. You don’t get that unless they want to be there。大声责骂和严格管理走不太远。许多谷歌员工的工作都涉及到是否能够充分发挥他们的能力。你只有想在这里上班,才会全力工作。

  Employee retention is incredibly high. It’s been same since the company went public。员工的流动率低的惊人,就算公司上市后也是如此。

  What’s the one thing that would kill someone’s chances of getting hired?什么事会导致求职者不被录取?

  There are no hard and fast rules, but some simple things, like typos in your resume. Except if you’re a non-native candidate. If you’re a French person applying in France with typos, you’re disqualified. If you’re a British person applying in France, in French, I’m not too worried。这倒没有什么铁律。但一些小事,比如简历上的错别字,会影响录取。除非你不是用母语写简历。如果一个法国人在法国求职,错别字会导致他不被录取。但如果是英国人用法语在法国找工作的话,我就不太在意错别字。

  There used to be [college] majors we’d give a funny eye. We used to care about what school you went to. We really don’t anymore. We found it doesn’t predict performance. How you do on the interview questions predicts performance。我们过去注重应聘者的专业和母校,但现在已经不这么做了。我们发现能通过面试时回答问题的好坏预测日后的工作表现,专业和母校则不能。

  Can you ask me an interview question?你能问我一道面试题吗?

  "Gimme an example of an intellectually difficult problem you solved?"“举一个你解决过的智力难题。”

  I’d then write down the question, your answer and my assessment. The hiring committee can see if the answer is something that demonstrates your skill. They also get to learn about me as an interviewer. Then I get feedback and I get better. And we hire better people。然后我会写下问题、你的答案以及我的评价。招聘委员会能看到答案是否体现了你的技能。他们还会了解到作为面试官的我。之后我会得到反馈并变得更好,公司也能招到更好的员工。


文章关键词: 双语谷歌求职面试

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