英文联播讯 据新加坡教育部在小学新生登记入学时所做的调查,如今只剩下约40%的家庭仍以华语作为主要用语。于是,新加坡人愤怒了,看看他们的中文考题,小伙伴们表示不能安静地做一个中国人。
The “tai xi people” Admiral Zheng He met in his voyages to the western oceans referred to:
A 非洲人 Africans
B 欧洲人 Europeans
C 马来人 Malays
We have to place a downpayment when we buy a house or a car. What is the Chinese term for “downpayment”?
A 头期款
B 押金
C 赏金
3.人们常说若“inflation rate”持续上升将造成物价高涨。请问“inflation rate”的中文是什么?
It is often said that the continuous rise of the inflation rate will cause an increase in the cost of living. What is the Chinese term for “inflation rate”?
A 通货紧缩率
B 通货增长率
C 通货膨胀率
In the Chinese classic Journey to the West, who does Sun Wukong meet in his first challenge?
A 牛魔王 Bull Demon King
B 白骨精 White Bone Demon
C 混世魔王 Demon King of Chaos
The Chinese idiom “泾渭分明” (jing wei fen ming) means to be clearly distinguished. What does “泾渭” (jing wei) refer to?
A 湖 Lake
B 河 River
C 海 Sea
Which of the following political figures was hailed as the “Father of Singapore’s economic development”?
A 吴庆瑞 Goh Keng Swee
B 陈嘉庚 Tan Kah Kee
C 林谋盛 Lim Bo Seng
7.请问新加坡 特有词语“摩摩喳喳”指的是什么?
What does the uniquely Singaporean term “bo bo cha cha” refer to?
A 泰式按摩 Thai massage
B 做事糊里糊涂 To be muddle-headed
C 一种甜品 A type of dessert
Which of the following traditional Chinese festivals is the last in the lunar year?
A 七巧节 Chinese Valentine’s Day
B 除夕 Lunar New Year’s Eve
C 元宵节 Lantern Festival or Yuanxiao Festival
Of the many Chinese poets in Tang Dynasty, who was known as the “Saint of Poetry”?
A 杜甫 Du Fu
B 李白 Li Bai
C 白居易 Bai Juyi
What is the second part of the Chinese two-part allegorical saying (xiehouyu) “The water in the fish’s mouth”?
A 吞不下去 Unable to swallow
B 口吐白沫 Foaming at the mouth
C 吞吞吐吐 To hem and haw
1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5. B
6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10. C
Which of the following personalities is associated with the origins of the Chinese character “xi” (double happiness)?
A 王安石 Wang Anshi
B 苏东坡 Su Dongpo
C 李白 Li Bai
In the classical novel, “Outlaws of the Marsh”, which character “shot a cold arrow” (which means to attack when the enemy is unaware) in order to save his master?
A 武松 Wu Song
B 燕青 Yan Qing
C 鲁智深 Lu Zhishen
Which of the following Western artists once said he did not dare visit China for fear of meeting Chinese painter Qi Baishi there?
A 安迪华荷 Andy Warhol
B 达利 Salvador Dali
C 毕加索 Pablo Picasso
Which of the following lines originated from Tang poetess Yu Xuanji?
A 千金难买千金笑,万人不敌万人迷 (things that are hard to come by)
B 庭院深深深几许 (how deep is the courtyard)
C 易求无价宝,难得有情郎 (it’s easier to get something precious, but harder to seek true love)
What is the story behind the saying “gǒu yǎo lǚ dòng bīn, bù shí hǎo rén xīn” (meaning “you ungrateful thing, just like the dog that bit Lu Dongbin, you bite the hand that feeds you”)?
A 吕洞宾拯救友人的狗却反被狗咬 Lu Dongbin saved a friend's dog but was bitten by it
B 吕洞宾与好友苟杳互相设计作弄 It is part of the pranks played by Lu Dongbin and his friend on each other
C 吕洞宾被一名叫刘狗的官差逮捕 Lu Dongbin was arrested by a bailiff called Liu Gou (literally Liu the dog)
If someone wins a championship consecutively, they are said to “chán lián” (蝉联). What is the story behind the term?
A 蝉也叫知了,因此一赢再赢,大家都已“知了”胜利者是谁 The “chan” (蝉)(cicada) is also known as “zhi liao” (to know). If someone were to keep winning, then everyone would “zhi liao”
B 蝉鸣声响亮不断,因此比喻胜利之声不断 The call of the “chan” (蝉)(cicada) is loud and persistent. So it alludes to the persistent cheers of winning
C 蝉会脱壳蜕变成长,因此比喻连续保持的事物 The “chan” (蝉)(cicada) will slough off its shell in order to further develop and grow, hence alluding to something that keeps happening
Which of the following gongfu stars was once verbally invited by former American President Richard Nixon to be his personal bodyguard?
A 甄子丹 Donnie Yen
B 李连杰 Jet Li
C 李小龙 Bruce Lee
Kang Youwei fled to Singapore in 1900 after the failure of the Constitutional Reform and Modernisation of China. Where did he stay in Singapore?
A 牛车水 Chinatown
B 新加坡河畔 By the Singapore River
C 梧槽河畔 By the Rochor River
Which of the following is incorrect?
A “时髦”一词是来自英文的 "smart" “时髦” (shí máo) means “smart” in English
B “Tai Pan” 一词是来自广东话的“大班” Taipan is derived from the Cantonese word “dà bān” (大班)(read “dai ban” in Cantonese)
C 十二个为一打的“打”是来自英文的"dozen" “打” (dá) means “dozen” in English
What is the relationship between the Singapore pioneers Tan Kah Kee and Lee Kong Chian?
A 外祖父与外孙 Maternal grandfather and grandson
B 舅舅与外甥 Uncle and nephew
C 岳父与女婿 Father-in-law and son-in-law
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B
6. C 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. C
On Chinese dice, the numbers one and four are painted red. What is the story behind it?
A 曹丕为了取悦宓妃 Cao Pi ordered this done to please Concubine Mi
B 唐明皇为了取悦杨贵妃 Emperor Ming Huang of the Tang dynasty ordered this done to please Concubine Yang
C 光绪皇为了取悦珍妃 Emperor Guangxu ordered this done to please Concubine Zhen
hat animal does "Cat Mountain" in the well-known durian variety "Cat Mountain King" refer to?
A 果子狸 Gem-faced civet
B 猴子 Monkey
C 山猫 Leopard cat
The internet term “Wai Lou” (literally: leaning tower) means
A 很久才回帖 Taking a long time to reply to an online posting
B 回帖内容有粗话 Usage of vulgar language in replying to a post
C 回帖内容偏离了原帖的主题 Content of a reply veering off the topic of the original posting
When Confucius said, “men have three failings”, he was referring to:
A 头痛、牙痛、喉咙痛 Headache, toothache, and sore throat。
B 不孝、不忠、不义 Unfilial behaviour, disloyalty and unrighteousness。
C 狂、矜、愚 High-mindedness, stern dignity and stupidity
Where is the Shaolin Temple located?
A 松山 sōng shān
B 崧山 sōng shān
C 嵩山 sōng shān
6.英文谚语“Man proposes, God disposes”最贴切的中文翻译是:
Which of the following is the closest equivalent of the English idiom “Man proposes, God disposes”?
A 人贵有自知之明 人贵有自知之明 (literally: The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself)
B 谋事在人,成事在天 谋事在人,成事在天 (literally: planning is with man, accomplishing with heaven
C 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福 (literally: fortune is as unpredictable as the weather, every day may bring fortune or calamity)
Which of the following gongfu stars was once verbally invited by former American President Richard Nixon to be his personal bodyguard?
A 甄子丹 Donnie Yen
B 李连杰 Jet Li
C 李小龙 Bruce Lee
Which of the following is the only pictographic writing system that is still currently in use?
A 东巴文字 Dongba script
B 江永文字 Jiangyong script
C 西夏文字 Western Xia script
Which of the following stories in the book “One Thousand and One Nights” was set in China?
A 辛巴达航海记 Sinbad the Sailor
B 阿里巴巴[微博]与四十大盗 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
C 阿拉丁神灯 Aladdin and the Magic Lamp
What is the meaning of the Mandarin phrase “beating a drum at the side”?
A 在旁泼冷水 To pour or throw cold water on; discourage
B 在旁帮腔助威 To try to assist from the sidelines; speak or act to back somebody up
C 打别人的小报告 To tell tales on somebody; to snitch on somebody
1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.C
6.B 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B
1.“liquid asset”的中文是什么?
The chinese translation for “liquid assets” is:
A 水源资产 (water assets)
B 流动物资 (movable goods and materials)
C 流动资产 (movable assets)
What does the Chinese phrase "fish and wild geese going to and fro" mean?
A 通信 letter writing
B 下棋 playing chess
C 互相赠礼 mutual gift-giving
3.歌曲《王昭君》所唱的“椿萱恩重”的“椿萱”是指什么? In the mandarin song “wang zhaojun”, there’s the line: “chun xuan en zhong”. the phrase “chun xuan” here refers to:
A 父母 parents
B 政府 the government
C 兄弟 brothers
4.“天时不如地利,地利不如人和”是谁的名言? The saying “opportunities of time vouchsafed by heaven are not equal to advantages of situation afforded by the earth, and advantages of situation afforded by the earth are not equal to the union arising
from the accord of men” was said by whom?
A. 诸葛亮 Zhuge liang
B. 孙子 Sunzi
C. 孟子 Mencius
The chinese phrase "zhi yin", which means "bosom friend," was first used to describe
the friendship between which two persons?
A 姜子牙与周文王 Jiang
ziya and King Wen of Zhou
B 伯牙与钟子期 Bo Ya and Zhong Ziqi
C 伯乐与秦穆公 Bo le and Duke Mu of Qin
6.“memorandum of understanding”的中文翻译是什么?
The Chinese translation of “memorandum of understanding” is
A 国家信用评级
B 资料备忘录
C 谅解备忘录
Which of the following is also known as “longevity fruit” in chinese?
A 桑葚 mulberry
B 人参果 ginseng fruit
C 花生 peanuts
A painting of pomegranates is traditionally used to convey good wishes of
A 百战百胜 victory in everything one does
B 百子千孙 having plenty of children and grandchildren
C 百年好合 a harmonious union between husband and wife
Who proposed the three principles of good translation - “fidelity, fluency and elegance”?
A 严复 Yan Fu
B 林语堂 Lin Yutang
C 徐志摩 Xu Zhimo
1. C 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. B
6. C 7. C 8. B 9. A
其实,华文谁怕谁是新加坡The Promote Mandarin Council的一个汉语推广项目,不光有考试,还有日常的在线教学。每天的学习内容大概是这样的:
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