双语:全球十大宜居城市 东京位列第一(组图)

2015年06月19日13:50  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
1. Tokyo, Japan 1. Tokyo, Japan
2. Vienna, Austria 2. Vienna, Austria
3. Berlin, Germany 3. Berlin, Germany
4. Melbourne, Australia 4. Melbourne, Australia
5. Sydney, Australia 5. Sydney, Australia
6. Stockholm, Sweden 6. Stockholm, Sweden
7. Vancouver, Canada 7. Vancouver, Canada
8. Helsinki, Finland 8. Helsinki, Finland
9. Munich, Germany 9. Munich, Germany
10. Copenhagen, Denmark(tie) 10. Copenhagen, Denmark(tie)
10. Zürich, Switzerland (tie) 10. Zürich, Switzerland (tie)

  (来源:沪江英语)The newest list of the world's most livable cities might inspire you to make a move。


  For its annual "Quality of Life" survey, global affairs magazine Monocle evaluates cities based on four main factors: availability of international flight routes, cycling commutes, good lunch spots and public libraries. (Traveling, exercising, eating well and reading a lot? )


  This year, however, the magazine added 22 new metrics, including cost of living and the price of a cup of coffee. That led to some major changes, including a new city at the number one spot: Tokyo, Japan。


  "It manages to do something no other global metropolis can: provide a great quality of life for those who live there and also visit. From culture to security, food to courtesy, it has everything covered," Monocle says of Tokyo. "


  We can't argue: Tokyo is famous for that rich culture, not to mention its sophisticated railways and gorgeous cherry blossoms。



  10. Copenhagen, Denmark(tie)

  10. 哥本哈根(丹麦)

  10. Zürich, Switzerland (tie)

  10. 苏黎世(瑞士)

  9. Munich, Germany

  9. 慕尼黑(德国)

  8. Helsinki, Finland

  8. 赫尔辛基(芬兰)

  7. Vancouver, Canada

  7. 温哥华(加拿大)

  6. Stockholm, Sweden

  6. 斯德哥尔摩(瑞典)

  5. Sydney, Australia

  5. 悉尼(澳大利亚)

  4. Melbourne, Australia

  4. 墨尔本(澳大利亚)

  3. Berlin, Germany

  3. 柏林(德国)

  2. Vienna, Austria

  2. 维也纳(奥地利)

  1. Tokyo, Japan

  1. 东京(日本)

文章关键词: 城市双语宜居城市东京全球组图

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