
2015年08月27日10:34  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     


  There are teachers… and then there are hot teachers. You know what I’m talking about. The kind of teachers who make you actually want to go to class and work hard, just so you can stare at him or her and try to impress them with how smart you are。


  Researchers found that young people are more likely trust and respect authority figures they find attractive. So, if you think your teacher is hot, you’re more likely to do what he or she says and get your work done. In honor of this study, here are some handsome teachers having taken the internet by storm for being the perfect mix of beauty and brains。


I’m paying attention sir, I promise。老师,我真在认真听呢。 I’m paying attention sir, I promise。老师,我真在认真听呢。
Hello, geography。我爱学地理! Hello, geography。我爱学地理!
This guy just made substitute teachers popular. 因为他,代课老师也可以很火。 This guy just made substitute teachers popular. 因为他,代课老师也可以很火。
Tell us more, sir. 多讲讲吧,老师。 Tell us more, sir. 多讲讲吧,老师。
Sits up straight. “都坐直了!” Sits up straight. “都坐直了!”
Actually does homework. 我当真做了作业哦。 Actually does homework. 我当真做了作业哦。
Asks questions. 不懂的举手问。 Asks questions. 不懂的举手问。
Ok, we’ll do our homework. 好的,我们一定完成作业。 Ok, we’ll do our homework. 好的,我们一定完成作业。
Somehow, he has the best behaved class ever. 不知为何,他的课堂上纪律总是最好的。 Somehow, he has the best behaved class ever. 不知为何,他的课堂上纪律总是最好的。

文章关键词: 双语高颜值教师

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