
2015年09月14日09:42  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     


  Money is never enough and, if you have some spare time, you can always make some easy money without leaving home. The tips given below are great for both males and females of all age groups.


  Besides, no special certificates and qualifications are needed in order to be able to do the following jobs: 此外,并不需要特别的证书和资格,就能做以下工作:

  1. Become a Freelancer 自由职业者

  Freelancers make money from home by writing newspaper articles or creating graphics. If you have either of these talents, go ahead and offer your services to publishing houses or various companies.自由职业者通过写报纸文章或者制图在家赚钱。如果你有其中任何一种天赋,干这行吧!为出版社或者各种公司服务。

  2. Blogging 写博

  Blogging always goes with advertisements that you are paid for – all you need is to agree to display them on your video. Blogging is an excellent way to make yourself heard by others plus make some extra money. 写博总是和付你钱的广告分不开—你所需要做的就是同意把它们放到你的视频中。写博是一种很好的方式,让世界听见你的声音,自己又可以赚钱。

  3. Babysitting 当临时保姆

  Babysitting is advised for those who love kids. It is a good way to practice your parenting skills, learn something new by communicating with children and make some cash.临时保姆这项工作适合喜爱小孩的人们。这是一种好方法,既能锻炼育儿技巧,又能通过与孩子的交流学习新东西,还能赚钱。

  4. Photography 摄影

  There are plenty of events and occasions where people need photographers. Charge some money for your photo shoots and build a portfolio all at the same time!有很多的活动和场合都需要摄影师。通过照片拍摄赚些钱,且在同一时间建立作品集!

  5. Baked Goods 烘培

  Sell your baked goods to people. Homemade desserts taste way better than those we purchase in supermarkets. 出售你的烘培作品。自制甜点远比在超市购买的那些好吃。

  6. Open an Etsy Shop 开一家手工艺成品店(在Etsy,人们可以开店,销售自己的手工艺品,模式类似eBay和中国的淘宝。)

  Creativity is highly valued. If you are aware of your talents and skills to make clothing, accessories and other kinds of unique objects, we suggest you should open an Etsy shop. There you'll be able to sell your handmade items to people all around the globe.创新十分有价值。如果你意识到了自己拥有做服装,饰品及其他特别物品的天赋和技能,建议你开一家Etsy店。这样你就可以在上面售卖你的手工艺成品,给全球各地的人。

文章关键词: 在家赚钱双语

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