
2015年09月29日09:55  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     


  1. Reheat rice 热米饭

  Microwaving old rice used to mean hard and dried out starch. Change that by placing an ice cube in the center of the rice and then wrapping the top with plastic wrap, with a few punctures of course, before reheating it. 微波炉热的剩饭总是又硬又干一坨淀粉。改变一下吧,在米饭中间放一块冰块,然后盖上保鲜膜,当然,加热之前还要在保鲜膜上戳几个孔。

  2. Steam out wrinkles 蒸汽除皱

  You're dreading doinglaundry because it's so hot out. Grab just a few ice cubes and throw them into the dryer to steam out wrinkles on dry shirts and pants but not jeans or heavy clothes. 你害怕洗衣服,因为天气太热了。只需要抓几块小冰块,然后丢进烘干机里,烫平干衬衫跟裤子的褶皱,牛仔裤和厚实的衣物除外。

  3. Skim the fat from soup 除去汤里的脂肪

  Defat your soups and stews by dropping a few ice cubes in warm — not hot — soup. Ladle them out after a few seconds and you'll find excess fat clinging to them. 熬汤煮羹时想去除油脂,丢几块冰块在温热但不烫的汤里就可以。几秒之后把冰块盛出来,你就会发现冰块上附着多余油脂。

  4. Remove chewing gum 擦掉口香糖

  Gum on your table or carpet? Get it ready for removal by hardening it with an ice cube and scraping that sucker off. 你桌上、地毯上黏到口香糖了?准备好用冰块把口香糖硬化然后擦掉它。

  5. Thicken salad dressings instantly 让沙拉酱变浓

  Upgrade your oil-based salad dressing by placing an ice cube in the container before shaking it up. The ice will harden the oil, making the consistency of the dressing thicker. 提升色拉酱品质,只要摇之前在碗里面放一小块小冰块就行了。冰块会使油凝固,让沙拉酱更浓稠。


  6. Brush out carpet dents 除掉地毯上的压痕

  Upon moving furniture, you may discover really hard dents in your carpet. Letting an ice cube melt in the dent and then brushing it out when it's wet and soft will solve that unsightly problem. 每次搬家具,你会发现你的地毯上会留有难以恢复的凹痕。放一小块冰块在有压痕的地方融化,趁地毯湿软刷一下凹陷的地方,老大难问题变迎刃而解。

  7. Water plants 给植物浇水

  Water plants in a pinch by dropping a few ice cubes in its pot, making sure that the ice doesn't touch the roots but thoroughly moistens the soil. 必要的时候,在花盆里放入几颗小冰块浇花,确保冰不会碰到植物的根,但是又能湿润泥土。

  8. Mask the taste of medicine 盖住药味

  This isn't only reserved for kids. Give anyone who doesn't like the taste of medicine an ice cube to numb their tongue beforehand. 这不唯独是小孩子的权益,凡有人不喜欢药的味道,就给块冰,吃药前让舌头先麻木了。

文章关键词: 冰块生活小窍门双语

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