双语:酷炫狂拽的沙雕 魔性又极具艺术(图)

2015年09月30日09:57  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     


  These aren't your prototypical bucket-and-pail sand structures. Matt Kaliner's creations deserve an architectural category all their own.


  Here’s a tour of some of Kaliner’s marvelous creations—mostly built over the past decade or so along the beaches of South Boston—in his own words.


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  “Although I enjoy watching the castles get swept away, I aim to make my castles more resilient to waves by using sticks ...”


  “Watching the castle rising above the waves is a real treat—and that's always when they look best.”


  “I recently attended a talk by the incredible fabric-artist Janet Echolman, who relayed this great story about how cherry blossoms, like good ephemeral art, are so effective because they only last a week—they ‘call you into the present.’ I wish I had thought of that!”


  “There is a spatial aspect to making castles that's always intrigued me.”


  “When I make a castle in working-class South Boston or Revere, people tend to avoid me, or look quizzically. When I was making this one [above] in Revere, an old man approached my group and asked ‘What are you kids doing, on drugs or something?’”


文章关键词: 沙雕艺术双语

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