Staying in a long-distance relationship can sometimes be hard, but artist duo Shinliart is making it work. While Danbi Shin is based in New York and Seok Li is based in Seoul, Korea, the couple are taking photos at the same time and making captivating collages. The project, called Half&Half, proves that even though the pair are apart and living different lifestyles, they can still stay connected. Check out all the sweet snaps for yourself.
异地恋有时真的会很煎熬,但艺术家duo Shinliart就成功做到了。当女生Danbi Shin 在纽约,男生Seok Li 在韩国首尔,这对恋人在同一时间拍照,然后拼接在一起组成美妙的图片。这部图片作品叫作《一半一半》,向人们证明即使恋人分隔两地,过着不同的生活,但他们依然可以心灵相通。进来看看这些甜蜜的时刻吧。








