Why does ‘fake it ’till you make it’ work for some people throughout their careers, yet fail miserably for others?
“在你做到之前,要一直假装你能做到。” 在职场,为什么有的人践行这条谚语成功了,而有些人惨败了呢?
If you’re lacking in confidence at work, you’re often advised to put on a front or that thinking positive is eventually a self-fulfilling prophecy. But does this always pan out? When is it better to admit you just don’t have a clue? We went to question and answer site, Quora, to find out if there are times when ‘fake it ’till you make it’ just won’t cut it.
“I would not recommend it for astronauts, lawyers, heart surgeons, rugby players, nuclear reactor engineers, or special forces soldiers,” wrote Franklin Veaux, but it works well if your goal is to change a personal trait, like your own self-confidence or courage. “In other words, it doesn’t work if you need specialised knowledge, skill, or training,” but Veaux thought it worked well for developing emotional resilience, courage, or motivation.
Lawyer, Jennifer Ellis, wrote that it very much depends on what you do for a living. “In my profession, faking it until you make it is a very bad idea。” Ellis explained that many years ago, while working as a secretary, “I had no idea what I was doing。 I didn’t need to fake it, I had no problem admitting I was new at it.[ ...] But, I learned。” She wrote that she has never been someone who believes you should fake it. “I think it is ok to admit when you don’t know something, but it is important to have the confidence to make it clear to others and yourself that you will learn quickly.”
By contrast, mechanical engineer, Muralidhara Prabhu, believes the strategy can be very successful for teachers and trainers. He describes himself as a shy introvert who suffered from acute stage fright which meant “I couldn’t even speak in front of a group of four to five.” But, one day he was asked to train some new starters (at his company). He prepared thoroughly, tried rehearsing in front of the mirror, then in front of a few colleagues. “It went well. But when I entered the hall on the day of the training, the memory still sends chills down my spine. There were 60 of them as opposed to the memo that said 25.” Prabhu wrote that he was “shivering and sweating” but gave a big smile to the crowd and tried “to project (fake) confidence.” It worked.
Feedback from his group was positive and “this one session gave me a lot of confidence and since, I have trained over 1,800 associates with the crowd size from 10 to 120. So in my opinion, faking works till you can make it.”
And, there is one field where ‘fake it ’til you make it’ will always remain standard operating procedure, wrote Forrest Murphy - “being a parent.” “When you are a kid, it is easy to assume that the grown-ups have it all figured out. From the other side, it is obvious that we are all just making it up as we go along,” he wrote.
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Quora respondents are required to use their true names under the site’s Real Names policy. To help ensure legitimacy and quality, Quora asks some individuals, such as doctors and lawyers, to confirm their expertise.