It’s the new frontier of photography that is taking pictures to a whole new level – literally, Dronestagram is a new social media app hailed as ‘Instagram for drones’ and, now with over 30,000 users, the site held a photography competition earlier this month in association with the likes of National Geographic, Kodak, Go Pro, Adobe and some other sponsors, with a panel of judges going through over 5,000 entries to pick a selection of winners.
如今正是摄影的局限将照片拍摄提升至一个全新的水准。Dronestagram是一个新的社交媒体应用软件。如字面意思所示,它被称作“无人机的Instagram”,现有超过3万名用户。这个网站在这个月月初举办了一项摄影大赛,由《国家地理》杂志、柯达、Go Pro相机品牌、Adobe等类似其他机构资助。专家评委将在5000多份作品中挑选出获奖者。
Founder of the app, Eric Dupin, said that despite the controversy that hangs over drones - specifically in terms of military operations and surveillance - there is no denying the incredible new angle the technology has allowed photographers.
‘Some people are scared about these flying machines because they don’t know them very well and they just repeat what they hear from other people or the media,’ Dupin told CNN.
‘But most people I know and meet are fascinated by drones - particularly if they see a demo of what we can do in terms of photography.’
Incredible: First prize in the ‘nature’ category went to this portrait called Snorkeling with Sharks, taken on an island off Tahiti.
First prize: The winner of the ‘places’ category at the second annual Dronestagram aerial photography contest was this shot taken in Maringá, in southwest Brazil, of the city on a foggy day.

This photo came in second as the most popular picture, and shows Plovidv - the second-largest city in Bulgaria - by night.

Majestic: Second prize in ‘places’ went to this shot of the Mont Saint-Michel, the island commune in Normandy, France.

By the sea: This summer portrait came in third in the nature category and was taken in Tahaa in French Polynesia.

This gorgeous photo of some tulip fields snagged third prize in the ‘places’ category. The founder of Dronestagram said the key to a good shot is perfect conditions.

Where‘s Wally: This fun photo was one of over 5,000 submissions in the competition and was taken at a carnival in Cyprus.

High above the ground: The Dronestagram photo shows the Swedbank building in Riga, Latvia.