It’s safe to say being Leonardo DiCaprio’s assistant is like being king — or queen of the world. The actor’s former right hand woman, Kasi Brown, dished on what it was like working for the Oscar winner back in 2003.
“He’s extremely down to earth, and he likes to share stories and life experiences with people," she admitted to the Huffington Post. Kasi got the coveted gig by way of a friend, who held the position before her. She signed on to work with the actor as he began filming The Aviator in Los Angeles. The lucky lady admitted, "I thought, why not? It would give me the opportunity, as a filmmaker, to watch Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio work. I’d be an idiot to turn down a learning opportunity like that!"
While working on the set of the drama film with Leo, Kasi revealed that she learned a lot about the 41-year-old. He was “very smart” and knowledgable about “politics, pop culture, history,” plus he had “wicked sense of humor," she said.
"Leo and I always had fun on set," Kasi revealed. The actor and his assistant bonded over how they "love[d] to observe people and goof around playing characters, doing accents, whatever."
The two also had a running joke between them, in which they would pretend Leo was a stereotypical celebrity. She explained, "Sometimes, I would pretend that he was the stereotype of an entitled celebrity and when he would ask me to do something, I would bow and in a beaten-down voice say, ’Yes, sir, anything you like sir, anything else, sir?’ and he would laugh and tell me to knock it off.”
Once the 2004 film wrapped, Leo and Kasi let go or rather parted ways. From then on, the former assistant revealed that the movie star remained supportive of her and her Hollywood dreams. Leo would encourage Kasi to submit her projects to his production company Appian Way and also gave her feedback on a comedy show she produced years later. Kasi, who in 2015 wrote and directed her own movie Gone Doggy Gone, admitted that Leo "gave [her] encouragement all along the way” — so, where do we submit our resume?