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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/05/16 16:23  《考试》




  [难点剖析] 备选动词词义相近,用法相似。


  1.(03-25)If anybody calls ,tell them I’m out ,and ask them to ______their name and address.

  A. pass B. write C. take D. leave

  据题意应选leave, 表“留下”。其余动词不合题意,故选D。

  [备考策略] ①结合语境,从区别词义着手;其次从用法上加以区别,如后跟to do\doing做宾语 ,还是跟双宾语,或者是复合宾语等。

  ②加强对考纲内重要近义动词的复习。如:spend ,waste , take, kill;raise, keep, support, feed等。


  2.(沪04-46) Hospital staff burst into cheers after doctors completed a 20-hour operation to have ___one-year-old twins at the head.

  A. isolated B. separated

  C. divided D. removed

  3.(浙04-30) If you are feeling so tired ,perhaps a little sleep would ______.

  A. act B. help C. serve D. last

  Key B B


  [热点透视] 考查考生在具体语境中运用动词短语能力。

  [难点剖析] ①备选词组形近或义近,或二者兼备或同一动词不同搭配;

  ② 除涉及词义辨析外,还结合时态、语态对考生进行综合考查。


  4.(03-31)News reports say peace talks between the two countries ____with no agreement reached.

  A. have broken down B. have broken out

  C. have broken in D. have broken up

  此题还涉及时态,增加了试题难度。考查同一动词不同搭配,break up表打碎,化合物分解,大学放假等;break down 表(机器等)坏掉,(计划、谈判等)失败,物理分解等;故选A。

  5.(04-32)You can take anything from the shelf and read ,but please _____the books when you’ve finished with them.

  A. put on B. put down

  C. put back D. put off

  put是考生熟悉的词,故此题难度不大,据题意put back 表放回原处,故选C。

  [备考策略] ①对词义相近短语加强词义辨析,如:make up(构成,组成),take up(占据时间、空间),keep up (保持),hold up(延误、举起);

  ②部分词组本身就表被动,如:come up(被提出);还有一部分词组无被动语态,如:come about, break out等。


  6. (京04-35) I don’t ______rock roll. It’s much too noisy for my taste.

  A. go after B. go away with

  C. go into D. go in for

  7. (津04-33 ) It was not a serious illness, and she soon _____it.

  A. got over B. got on with

  C. got around D. got out of

  Key D A





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