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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/09 13:55  竞报


  Asian athletes have had a spare time in the first two days of the World

  Indoor Championships in Birmingham, England. But Chinese hurdler(跨栏运动员)

  Liu Xiang surprised everyone by taking the bronze medal in the men's 60-meter


  Liu became the first Chinese male athlete to get a world indoor medal in

  the 18-year history of the championship and was the only Asian medallist this


  "Karaoke (卡拉OK)! That's what I'm going to do. I'm going to get a big

  group of my friends together and sing. I love both Western and Chinese music

  but especially Michael Jackson," said Liu after clocking 7.52 seconds in the

  final to take his place on the podium (领奖台).

  "Frankly speaking, I didn't think I was in the shape to win a medal," Liu

  said. "On my arrival here, my aim was just to fight my way into the final.

  After I did that, I thought I might just get into the top six. I knew British

  hurdler Colin Jackson was going to be here and he's the world record holder

  indoors and out."

  "There was also Cuba's reigning (统治的) Olympic champion Anier Garcia and

  Allen Johnson, from the United States." It was Johnson, the reigning world

  outdoor champion, who was successful in 7.47 seconds with Garcia second and

  Jackson finished back in fifth.

  Now Liu will never underestimate his chances again and is aiming for glory

  in Paris later this year.

  "There is the World Championship outdoors in the summer and I have now got

  to think that I can get a medal. I can never again think that I can't get a

  medal," he said. Liu's success here marks his rapid transition into the senior


  "The university gives me a lot of flexibility. My courses are very easy and

  the teachers are very helpful," said Liu.

  They might have to be even more accommodating(乐于助人的) now if Liu starts

  taking on celebrity status, although an invite to his homecoming karaoke party

  may help.

  1. The first sentence "Asian athletes have had a spare time in the first

  two days…" means "________".

  A. Asian athletes can do things at their will in the first two days

  B. Asian athletes haven't any achievements in the first two days

  C. Asian athletes could match athletes from other continents

  D. Asian athletes are tired of competing in the first two days


  2. The underlined sentence means "________".

  A. I was not satisfied with my performances

  B. winning a medal can't show what I have done

  C. I didn't think I was able to win a medal

  D. I haven't told anyone about my achievements in the hurdles

  参考答案:C.从下文“After I did that, I thought I might just get into the

  top six.”可知。

  3. Liu ________ the World Championship outdoors in Paris later this year.

  A. is busy preparing for

  B. has great pressure on

  C. is more confident of his ability in

  D. pays little attention to


  4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. Liu Xiang was the youngest athlete to take part in the competition in


  B. Liu Xiang was the first Asian medallist to get a world indoor medal.

  C. Liu Xiang is not only a good athlete but a music-lover.

  D. Liu Xiang finds it hard to get along with teachers in university.


  5. Of the following persons, who hasn't got a medal in the World Indoor


  A. Garcia.

  B. Allen Johnson.

  C. Liu Xiang.

  D. Michael Jackson.

  参考答案:D.从第三段可知Michael Jackson是刘翔喜欢的歌星而不是运动员。从第五

  段可知Allen Johnson第一,Garcia第二,Colin Jackson第五。


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