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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/23 16:17  聚焦考研

  试 题 详 解


  1.D细节题。文章第一段提到,there is widespread parental concern about blocking websites with sexual content from children.质量保证小组正在努力确保赛门铁克
公司的计算机程序有效工作,因为世界各地的父母都关心色情网站的封锁,以保护孩子们免受毒害。B错在because the parents want them to do so,与原文的 sexual concern不符。

  2.D细节题。文章第三段最后一句,分词附属结构中讲到:protecting your computer from hackers, snoopers and viruses, as well as preventing inadvertent disclosure of personal data,?“诺顿网络安全特警”既能防止无意中泄露个人信息,又能保护计算机免受黑客,偷窥者和



  4.A细节题。文章第六段中提到,Computer users can also refresh the address list online with the Live update feature which is used by Norton Anti-Virus to load the latest virus definitions.This service is free for the first year but,including virus definition updates,it costs $US 19.95 a year thereafter.(计算机用户不仅可以使用NIS程序,还能用和他捆绑在一起的“即时更新”功能随时在线刷新“禁入区”名单,这些服务第一年是免费的,以后每年付19.95美元)。所以A项正确。

  5.C语义题。文章最后提到,系统并非尽善尽美无懈可击。Trying to get access to a well-known US site such as Playboy results in an immediate blocking message,一些健康网站,像著名的“

花花公子”被封锁。接着,作者用by contrast进行了转折,提出在别的国家一些色情网站却没被封锁。

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