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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/21 17:09  环球雅思学校








  Research studies lend strong support to the argument that there are benefits for families considering a change to a fairer or more equitable division of the pleasures and pains of family life. Greater equality in the performance of family work is associated with lower levels of family stress and higher self-esteem, better health, and higher marital satisfaction for mothers. There is also higher marital satisfaction for fathers, especially when they take more responsibility for the needs of their children – fathers are happier when they are more involved (Russell 1984).

  这段话并不长,但是如果让你在30秒钟之内说出主旨是什么,恐怕比登天还难吧!其实不然!请看首句中有一个词benefits是个正向词,紧接着第二句话中lower levels of family stress, higher…, better health, higher… satisfaction等都是正向词。第三句话中higher satisfaction, happier等也都是正向词。这说明这段话作者的基本态度是正向的,那么段落主旨就是首句中的benefits,而第二和第三句话就在具体论述有哪些benefits。至于self-esteem, marital等生词不认识都无所谓了,因为本段落中,除了这些正向词之外,其余的单词的存在都是多余的。30秒足够你“顿悟”了吧!


  In business as a whole, there are a number of factors encouraging the prospect of greater equality in the workforce. Demographic trends suggest that the number of women going into employment is steadily increasing. In addition a far greater number of women are now passing through higher education, making them better qualified to move into management positions.

  这段话中,首句a number of factors encouraging…是一个正向词,说明在分析好的因素。第二句number…increasing和第三句higher education, better qualified都是正向词,说明在具体论述第一句话中的好的因素。但是,二三句之间的一个In addition让我们知道了这两句话之间是一个“递进”关系,那么其前后的方向应该是相同的。所以,当我们看完第二句话之后,发现这个“递进”关系时,后面的内容根本不需要看了。至于prospect和demographic trends即使都是你的生词,又怎能妨碍你抓住段落的主旨——a number of factors呢?



  转折关系: but/however/yet, on the other hand, despite

  对比关系: more/less…than…, unlike


  并列关系: A and B, not…nor…, first, second, third

  递进关系: moreover, in addition/additionally/besides, not only…but also…


  Managerial and executive progress made by women is confirmed by the annual survey of boards of directors carried out by Korn /Ferry /Carre /Orban International. This year the survey shows a doubling of the number of women serving as non-executive directors compared with the previous year. However, progress remains painfully slow and there were still only 18 posts filled by women out of a total of 354 non-executive positions surveyed. Hilary Sears, a partner with Korn /Ferry, said, ‘Women have raised the level of grades we are employed in but we have still not broken through barriers to the top.’


  … progress(+) … doubling of the number(+) … However … painfully slow(-) … raised the level of grades(+) … but … not broken through(-) …


  一旦你能 精通“无词阅读法”,那么在面对每篇将近1000字的雅思阅读文章时,就一定能产生这样的“郁闷”心情:怎么文章有这么多生词我不认识,却能够读懂大意?这在以前简直就是mission impossible嘛!但是,不要惊讶,因为你已经“顿悟”了阅读!

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