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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/01/15 20:25  新东方

  Part A


  Dear Sir or Madam,

  As a student who can support myself and have some money to spare, I am writing to ask if you can help me find a potential beneficiary of Project Hope.

  It would be most helpful if the recipient of my financial assistance is a primary school girl living in the western region of our country. Girls in poor regions are often forced to drop school because of abject poverty, and I hope one of them can have the chance to finish schooling with my help.

  I would like to send a money order of RMB2000 to your office every half year so that the child can receive the aid in time. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming

  Part B


  It is commonly held that young people need heroes to follow or even worship, but they often show their admiration in an excessive way. In picture one, a young man has the word “BECKHAM” marked on his face, and in the second picture, another young man is spending RMB300 on his hair in a Beckham-style in a hairdressers’ salon.

  Such cases of idolatry are not uncommon in today’s China, where the younger generation is demonstrating their respect for their heroes in every perceivable way. They embrace nearly everything their heroes represent, whether it is hairstyle or clothing. They would have the hero’s name tattooed on their body to reveal their love, spend an exceedingly high amount of money having a plastic surgery in order to look like their heroes, or participate in a fan club publicizing their views against any different opinion. In these cases, their fanatical feelings are expressed, yet in unguided ways.

  In my opinion, young people’s enthusiasm for heroes needs to be directed in more positive and productive ways. If they continued to inappropriately articulate their love, not only money would be wasted, but also their time be wasted and study or work be negatively influenced. On the contrary, if they are taught to make efforts to learn from their heroes by improving themselves, the young will have a more promising future and our society will be a more harmonious one.

 考研数学难度调查: 很难 一般 容易 较难

 考研英语难度调查: 很难 较难 一般 简单

 考研政治难度调查: 很难 较难 一般 简单

    2006年考研真题及答案(持续更新中):政治 英语 MBA综合、英语真题






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