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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/01/16 13:27  北京环球时代学校


  Dear Sir or Madam,(或To whom it may concern,)

  I am writing to you to express my wish to offer financial assistance to a child in a remote area as my limited support for Project Hope. I wonder if you c
ould do me a favor by helping me find a candidate.

  I prefer to sponsor a girl at age 9 or 10 living in a remote mountain village in Liaoning Province, my home province. This girl should be a person who shows potentials for development yet cannot further her school education because of family poverty or other misfortunes.

  As for my plan, I intend to offer per month 150 yuan to cover the girl’s living and school expenses until she graduates from high school. If she passes the university entrance examination, I will pay her four years’ tuition fee.

  Please contact me as soon as possible. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming

 考研数学难度调查: 很难 一般 容易 较难

 考研英语难度调查: 很难 较难 一般 简单

 考研政治难度调查: 很难 较难 一般 简单


2006年考研真题及答案(持续更新中):政治 英语 数学 MBA综合、英语真题






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