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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/08/10 15:03  恩波考研

  2003 Part A Text 1

  1. The American spymaster who built the Office of Strategic Services in the World War II and later laid the roots for the CIA was fascinated with information.

  【译文】 这位美国间谍头目对情报很是着迷,他曾在二战期间创立了战略情报局(或译:战略服务处),后来又为中央情报局打下了基础。

  【析句】 本句的主干结构是The American spymaster… was fascinated with information。spymaster的后边是一个定语从句,其中包含两个由and连接的并列结构。

  【讲词】 lay the roots for sth表示“为……打下基础”,类似lay a(the) foundation for sth。例如:What you have learned at school will lay the roots for your future.(你在学校所学的知识将对你的未来打下基础。)

  fascinate(着迷)的常用搭配是be fascinated with sb/sth,例如:He was fascinated with her smiles.(他为她的微笑而着迷。)当然,也可以说:Her smiles fascinate him。fascinate的形容词是fascinating,名词是fascination。

  2. These days the Net,which has already remade such everyday pastimes as buying books and sending mail,is reshaping Donovans vocation as well.

  【译文】 互联网已经改变了购书和寄信这样的日常活动,如今也正在改变多诺万所从事的职业。

  【析句】 句子的主干是the Net…is reshaping Donovans vocation,由which引导的非限定性定语从句(which has already remade such everyday pastimes as buying books and sending mail)用来补充说明the Net。

  【讲词】 pastime意为“消遣,娱乐”,例如:Baseball has a huge following in the United States and is referred to as the national pastime.(


  shape作名词有“形状,状态”的意思,作动词时可以表示“塑造,成型”等。His business is in bad shape.(他的生意一团糟。)Together with our own efforts,we can help shape the future of our country.(通过我们共同的努力,我们可以帮助塑造国家的未来。)

  3. The winner,by a large margin,was a tiny Virginia company called Open Source Solutions,whose clear advantage was its mastery of the electronic world.

  【译文】 胜出一大截的胜者却是弗吉尼亚的一家小公司,名为“公开源代码解决方案”,其明显的优势是对电子世界的把握。

  【析句】 本句的主干结构是The winner… was a tiny Virginia company,过去分词短语called Open Source Solutions和定语从句whose clear advantage was its mastery of the electronic world共同修饰company。

  【讲词】 margin的本意指书本的“空白处”,泛指“差额,差价”等。by a… margin意为“以……之差”,by a narrow margin意为“相差不大”或“以微弱多数”,by a wide margin意为“大幅度地”。

  Open Source是一个计算机用语,中文叫“开放源代码”,句中是一家公司的名字。solution也是一个计算机用语,中文常译成“解决方案”。

  mastery来自master,意为“把握,掌握,统治,控制”,例如:the mastery of English(掌握英语)。She appealed to his mastery for help in solving her problem.(她请求他运用他的知识去解决她的问题。)

  4. Opensource spying does have its risks,of course,since it can be difficult to tell good information from bad. Thats where Straitford earns its keep.

  【译文】 当然公开来源的谍报活动的确有它的风险,因为很难区分正确与错误的信息。而这正是斯特雷福德公司挣钱的地方。

  【析句】 第一句是一个条件复合句,第二句是个简单句。另外需要注意tell在句中的含义,以及词组earns its keep的意思。

  【讲词】 tell在句中是“分辨”的意思。I cant tell the twin girls apart.(我分不清这两个双胞胎的女孩子。)He couldnt tell which house it was.(他分不出是哪一栋房子。)

  to earn ones keep是“挣钱糊口”的意思。Thoreau accepted an offer to stay in with neighboring Emersons family and earn his keep as a handyman while he concentrated on his writing.(梭罗接受邀请留在邻近的爱默生家中,一边集中精力写作,一边打零工糊口。)

  5. Straitfords briefs dont sound like the usual Washington backandforthing,whereby agencies avoid dramatic declarations on the chance they might be wrong.

  【译文】 斯特雷福德公司的简报听上去不像华盛顿当局常不着边际的言辞,这是因为政府机构往往避免发布引人注目的言论,以免言之有误。

  【析句】 Straitfords briefs… backandforthing是本句的主干部分。whereby相当于by which或by what,即“凭什么”的意思。

  【讲词】 dramatic来自drama(戏剧),意为“戏剧化的,引人注目的”。

  chance作名词时表示“机会,机遇”。chance(s)也可表示“可能性”:Chances are good that you will win.(极有可能你会赢。)Is there any chance of rain?(有可能下雨吗?)chance作动词意为“碰巧”。I chanced to be there.(我刚巧在那里。)They chanced upon a policeman.(他们无意中遇见了一位警察。)by chance表示“意外地,偶然地”。on the chance of和on the chance that表示“指望,期待”,或表示“可能”。

  brief作名词有“简报”的意思,有时可换用briefings。也可作动词,意为“介绍情况”。You will be briefed about the mission carried out by our military force.(很快就会向你们介绍我们的军队所执行的任务。)





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