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Text 2

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/09/25 20:02  东方飞龙

  Text 2

   Culture cannot be simply a matter of politics, of course. Politics, after all, is concerned with influencing the institutions of the state and these are of limited use in affecting the culture. Not even the totalitarian state has been able to achieve the cultural goals it set itself; the democratic state
is an even less likely agent of cultural change, and indeed, in the American tradition of democracy, it should not aim to be that. Consequently, a cultural agenda cannot be a political agenda only. It will have to be pursued in many different institutions, most importantly in the institutions of civil society. All the same, every one of the major cultural issues is also a political issue, because of the way in which the immense powers of the state have been used to promote various ideological purposes. The courts have played a quite deplorable role in this.Not surprisingly, then much of American politics in recent decades has been over the socalled “social” or “values” issues, which in effect are cultural issues. That is, these issues have involved conflicts over the questions of who we are and how we are to live together.

  The dynamics of the twoparty system has been very unhelpful in the search for viable positions on the middle ground. Since the early nineteenseventies the Democratic party has almost completely identified itself with the agenda of the cultural Left (considerably less so with other Left positions, such as those on economic or foreign policy). Given the importance of highly organized pressure groups, especially in the primary process, the captivity of the Democratic party to the culture of “the sixties” has been massive. The Republican picture is hardly more encouraging. An increasingly vocal segment of that partys constituency has taken radically anti “progressive” positions on the cultural issues. And again, these groups have had an influence far beyond their numerical strength because of their strategic role in the mechanics of elections, especially on the primary level. Consequently, individuals taking less than “politically correct” positions, as defined by the respective orthodoxies, have found themselves to be pariahs in either party. It is safe to assume that both Democratic and Republican leaders have catered to these polarized groupings in a more or less cynical manner. Thus, for instance, traditionally Democratic labor officials are not very credible when they express enthusiasm for gay rights, neither are “countryclub” Republicans when they voice outrage over abortion or the decline of sexual morality.[本文与2005年Text 4体裁相仿409 words]

  1. According to the text, “every one of the major cultural issues is also a political issue” owing to the fact that(此题与2005年第22题相仿)

  [A] culture simply expresses itself as a matter of politics.

  [B] culture plays different roles in different states.

  [C] political parties use culture as a tool to promote their ideologies.

  [D] politicians set cultural goals and thus change culture at their pleasure.

  2. The author deems that

  [A] American courts, in effect, serve the purpose of democracy.

  [B] “social” or “value” issues in recent decades are no more than culture issues.

  [C] culture influences the institutions of the state.

  [D] a cultural agenda simply reflects the aims of the current administration.

  3. The last sentence of the text suggests that

  [A] The twoparty system should be abolished.

  [B] The twoparty system is to blame for cultural interference.

  [C] Party leaders tend to cater to their supporters for selfish purposes.

  [D] Politics exerts tremendous influence upon culture.

  4. The passage is mainly concerned with

  [A] the operation of the twoparty system.

  [B] culture in a political sense.

  [C] culture in different institutions.

  [D] cultural agenda of the two parties.

  5. The word “credible ”in the last sentence of the text probably means

  [A] deserving to be believed. [B] deserving praise or approval.

  [C] capable of being realized. [D] capable of being respected.


  1.be concerned with有关的 [例] This film is concerned with fairies and wicked magicians. 这部电影与神仙和邪恶的魔术师有关。

  2.totalitariana.极权主义的 [同义] dictatorial, authoritarian

  3.all the same(虽然……) 还是,仍然 [例] That man is annoying , but I think you should apologize all the same. 那个人很讨厌,但我认为你仍然应该道歉。

  4.ideologicala.意识形态的 [同根] ideologue 空想家

  5.deplorablea.可叹的,可悲的,令人遗憾的 [同义] lamentable, pitiable, grievous

  6.in effect实际上 [例] In effect, our wages will fall by 10%. 实际上,我们的工资将降低10%。

  7.viablea.可行的 [例] a viable solution to the crisis 解决危机的一个可行的办法

  8.orthodoxyn.正统学说 [反义] heterodoxy 非正统,异端

  9.pariahn.贱民(印度的最下级),被社会遗弃者 [同义] outcast


  (1)Politics, after all, … of limited use in affecting the culture.

  【解析】 这是由 and 连接的两个并列句。

  【译文】 政治毕竟与影响国家的制度相关,而这些制度对于文化的影响是有限的。

  (2)Not surprisingly, … which in effect are cultural issues.

  【解析】 which 引导定语从句,修饰socalled “social” or “values” issues 。

  【译文】 不足为奇,那么近几十年来美国政治大多是关于所谓的“社会”或“价值”问题,其实是文化问题。

  (3)The dynamics of the twoparty system … on the middle ground.

  【解析】 简单句。middle ground 中间立场,妥协。

  【译文】 两党制的动态性对于寻找可行的中间立场一直毫无作用。

  Since the early nineteenseventies the … such as those on economic or foreign policy).

  【解析】 identify (与with 连用): 认为同一。Left 这里意为:左倾的,左派的,左翼的。

  【译文】 自从二十世纪七十年代初以来,民主党一直几乎完全自认为是文化左翼。(其左倾程度远远不及其他左派,如经济上或外交政策上的左翼。)

  (4)Consequently, … to be pariahs in either party.

  【解析】注意插入语as defined...在翻译时要前置。

  【译文】 因此,那些持被各正统学说定义为非“正确政治”立场的个人已经发现自己在两党中的任何一派中都处于底层地位。

  (5)Thus, for instance, … over abortion or the decline of sexual morality.

  【解析】 neither 连词,位于句首要求倒装。句中含两个由when 引导状语从句。

  【译文】 因此,例如当传统的民主党劳工官员热衷于为




  当然,文化不仅仅是一个政治问题。政治毕竟与影响国家制度(the institutions of the state)相关联,而这些制度对文化的影响是有限的。即使集权制国家也无法实现其自定的文化目标,民主制国家(the democratic state)就更算不上文化转变的媒介了。事实上,按照美国的民主传统,它是不会以改变文化为目标的。结果就是,一项文化日程不会仅仅是一项政治日程,它应该是许多不同部门的追求,在文明社会尤其如此。然而每一项重大文化问题同时又是政治问题,因为在促进实现各种意识形态目标时都有强大国家权力的使用。法院在这方面的作用很令人遗憾。不足为奇(Not surprisingly),那么近几十年来美国政治大多是关于所谓的“社会”或“价值”问题,其实是文化问题。也就是说,这些问题涉及了“我们是谁”、“我们怎样一起生活”这些问题上的冲突。

  两党制的动态性对于寻找可行的中间立场一直毫无作用。自从20世纪70年代初以来,民主党一直几乎完全自认为是文化左翼(the cultural Left)(其左倾程度远远不及其他左派,如经济上或外交政策上的左翼)。鉴于诸多高度组织化的压力集团的重要性,尤其在初级阶段(in the primary process),民主党对60年代文化的束缚是巨大的,共和党的蓝图(The Republican picture)也并不令人鼓舞。该政党的选民在文化问题上采取了积极的反进步立场,其呼声甚嚣尘上。再次,由于这些集团在选举机制中,尤其在初级阶段所采取的策略,使得他们的影响力远远超过了数字所显示的力量。因此,那些持被各正统学说定义为“非正确政治立场”的个人已经发现自己在两党中的任何一派中都处于底层地位。可以毫无顾虑地说(It is safe to assume that),两党派的领导们或多或少地都以自私自利的态度来迎合这些极端的群体。因此,当传统的民主党劳工官员热衷于(express enthusiasm for)为同性恋者争取权利的时候,就显得不是十分可信;同样,当“乡村俱乐部”共和党人表达对堕胎或性道德堕落的愤怒时(voice outrage over abortion or the decline of sexual morality),也难以令人置信。


  1. 【正确答案】 [C] political parties use culture as a tool to promote their ideologies.

  【本题考点】 推理暗示题。

  【试题精解】 考生如果仔细阅读第一段中的观点句 “All the same, every one of the major cultural issues is also a political issue, because of the way in which the immense powers of the state have been used to promote various ideological purposes”就会发现,答案[C]恰是这一观点句的正确表述。故选[C]项。

  【考点出处】 本题主要考查考生对细节的把握,在做这种题目时考生只要细心就可以了。

  2. 【正确答案】 [B] “social” or “value” issues in recent decades are no more than culture issues.

  【本题考点】 细节判断题。

  【试题精解】 文章第一段倒数第二句提到“then much of American politics in recent decades has been over the socalled ‘social’or ‘values’ issues, which in effect are cultural issues”(那么近几十年来美国政治大多是关于所谓的)“社会”或“价值”问题,其实是文化问题,显然选项[B]与该语句在语义上是一致的。其中no more than是“只是”的意思。

  【考点出处】 本题主要考查对细节及“no more than”这一词义的把握。

  3. 【正确答案】 [C] Party leaders tend to cater to their supporters for selfish purposes.

  【本题考点】 推理暗示题。

  【试题精解】 该句的大意是:因此,当传统的民主党劳工官员……也难以令人置信,由句中的“thus”及“for instrance”可知该句是前一句论点的例证,而前一句说两党派的领导们或多或少地都以自私自利的态度来迎合这些极端的群体。由此可以看出此句旨在说明政党领导出于自身利益的考虑迎合其支持者。故答案选[C]。

  【考点出处】 参见文章最后一句话。

  4. 【正确答案】 [B] culture in a political sense.

  【本题考点】 主旨大意题。

  【试题精解】 文章主要围绕政治意义上的文化问题这一中心展开了全面而详细的论述,因此正确答案是[B]。

  【考点出处】 考查考生对文章整体把握的能力。

  5. 【正确答案】 [A] deserving to be believed.

  【本题考点】 词语释义题。

  【试题精解】 credible:值得信任的,可信赖的。

  【考点出处】 文章最后一句话。


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