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Text 4

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/09/25 19:59  东方飞龙

  Text 4


  The intellectual commerce that has propelled the explosive growth of international science and technology over the past 50 years is threatened. More tha
n at any time, our government increasingly has sought to bar the entry of scientists from nations at odds with our foreign policy interests and to prevent the travel of US scientists to many of these same nations. This effort to selectively abridge scientific exchange threatens the vigor of the worlds science enterprise.

  There is perhaps no better rationale for freedom in the conduct of science than that provided by the statutes of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU): “ICSU as an international nongovernmental body, shall observe and actively uphold the principle of the universality of science. This principle entails freedom of association, expression, information, communication and movement in connection with international scientific activities.”

  Throughout the darkest days of the Cold War, this statute was accepted by our government and used by the National Academy of Sciences to promote contacts between Soviet and Western scientists. Without such interactions, it was recognized that neither side would be able to fulfill its need to reduce tensions, build confidence, and develop workable schemes for arms control and weapons reductions.

  Because of Indian and Pakistani ambitions to be nuclear powers, South Asian physicists and other scientists have recently been prevented from attending international scientific conferences in the United States. Within 6 weeks of the first Indian nuclear tests, a leading figure in Indias nuclear program, was unable to attend a US meeting of the executive committee of the International Union.

  The variegated richness of science is a product of its diversity. In the wake of World War II, the worlds scientific talent flocked to US and UK research universities and laboratories, thereby vastly enriching science. The efforts of government officials to slow this engine of exchange under the disguise of preventing weapons technology transfers threaten debilitating consequences for science here and abroad.[322 words]

  1. The word “commerce” (Line 1, Para.1) most probably means

  [A] the buying and selling of goods and services.

  [B] relationships and communications between worldwide scientists.

  [C] International Council of Scientific Unions.

  [D] National Academy of Science.

  2. The third paragraph(此题与2003年第44题相仿)

  [A] is intended to condemn the Cold War.

  [B] is meant to prove that there is perhaps no better rational for freedom in the conduct of science than that provided by the statutes of ICSU.

  [C] proves that arms control and weapons reductions contribute a lot to world peace.

  [D] is a summary of the first two paragraphs.

  3. To which of the following is the author most likely to agree?(此题与2004年第55题相仿)

  [A] ICSU does more harm than good for world people.

  [B] India and Pakistan deserve the punishment.

  [C] the inability for the leading figure to attend the US meeting is beneficial for the prevention of nuclear weapons technology transfers.

  [D] the statutes of the ICSU should be abided by.

  4. The best title for this text might be(此题与2002年第45题相仿)

  [A] The Universality of Science.

  [B] ICSU.

  [C] Nuclear Arms Competition—The End of the World.

  [D] The Intellectual Commerce.

  5. The text is primarily intended to

  [A] explain the ICSU statutes.

  [B] advocate the idea that science is transboundary.

  [C] criticize the U.S. government for its impediment to scientific interactions.

  [D] denounce India and Pakistan for their ambition to be nuclear powers.



  1.vigorn.精力 [同义] energy, strength, intellectual force

  2.variegatev.使……成斑驳 [同义] diversify, vary, streak, checker

  3.flock to成群进入

  4.disguisen.假装 [同义] cloak, veil, shroud, muffle

  5.debilitatevt.使……衰弱 [同义] weaken, enfeeble, renderweak



  在过去50年中,推动国际科学及技术爆炸性增长的知识型贸易(intellectual commerce)正面临威胁。我们的政府一直(more than at any time)在设法阻止与我们的外交政策利益相抵触的国家的科学家入境,并限制我们的科学家到这些国家去旅行。这种选择性的取消(abridge)科学交流的做法威胁到了世界科学事业的活力。



  由于印巴双方都企图成为核大国(nuclear powers),南亚的物理学家及其他科学家最近都被拒绝参加在美国召开的国际科学大会。印度进行首次核试验的六周之内,印度核计划的一位主要人物无法参加在美国的国际科学协会理事会执行委员会的会议。




  1. 【正确答案】 [B] relationships and communications between worldwide scientists.

  【本题考点】 词语释义题。

  【试题精解】 从上下文推测该词的含义。“...bar the entry of scientists from nations at odds with our foreign policy interests and to prevent the travel of US scientists to many of these same nations.”, 从黑体部分可以很容易看出该词的含义。

  【考点出处】 由第一句可知intellectual commerce涉及到各国科学家之间的交流,答案因此很好选择。

  2. 【正确答案】 [B] is meant to prove that there is perhaps no better rationale for freedom in the conduct of science than that provided by the statutes of ICSU.

  【本题考点】 主旨大意题。

  【试题精解】 “There is perhaps no better rationale for freedom in the conduct of science than that provided by the statutes of the International Council of Scientific Unions.” 是第二段的主题句,第三段整个一段用来支持该主题句的论断。

  【考点出处】 [A]项不是第三段要表达的思想,[C]项文中未提,第三段并不是对前两段的概括,故[D]错。[B]项与文章意思一致。

  3. 【正确答案】 [D] the statutes of the ICSU should be abided by.

  【本题考点】 语义归纳题。

  【试题精解】 “This principle entail freedom of association, expression, information, communication and movement in connection with international scientific activities.”从这一句可以看出作者认为该准则是应该被遵守的。

  【考点出处】 [A]、[B]、[C]三项文中均未提及,第二段首句说“科学行为所需要的自由的基本原理在……阐述”,ICSU的章程应当被遵守。

  4. 【正确答案】 [A] The Universality of Science.

  【本题考点】 主旨大意题。

  【试题精解】 该文主要说明了应该允许科学家进行正常的学术交流,政府不能从政治的角度去加以干涉。科学是无国界的。由此可见[A]作题目最合适。

  【考点出处】 此题宜用排除法。[B]、[C]项均离题万里,[D]项只概括了文章的部分内容,[A]项才是文章真正要表达的观点。

  5. 【正确答案】 [C] criticize the U.S. government for its impediment to scientific interactions.

  【本题考点】 语义归纳题。

  【试题精解】 整篇文章都透着作者对美国政府阻碍科学交流这种行为的不满和批评。如第一段用了两次“threaten”,第二段指明美国政府的做法与ICSU的条文背道而驰等。

  【考点出处】 [A]项只是文章的部分内容,文章批评阻碍科学交流的做法,而非直接下面倡导科学无国界,[B]是强干扰项,[D]只是文章的部分内容,并非文章的主题。


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