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Exercise Four

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/11/01 16:04  文都教育

  Exercise Four

  1.The young people are _____ of their responsibility toward society.

  A) consistent B) conscious C) sensitive D) reliable

  2. The problem with your conduct is that what you do is not _____ with what you say.

  A) consistent B) continuous C) considerate D) continual

  3. She was so _____ with her job that she didn’t hear someone knocking at the door.

  A) attracted B) drawn C) occupied D) concentrated

  4. Professor Taylor’s talk has indicated that science has a very strong _____ on the everyday life of the human society.

  A) motivation B) perspective C) impression D) impact

  5. When she was criticized, she claimed that it was outside her _____ of responsibility.

  A) field B) limit C) extent D) range

  6. The world is trying every means to _____ the friendship between the two


  A) raise B) promote C) arise D) protest

  7. Although not an economist himself, Dr. Smith has long been a severe critic of the government’s _____ policies.

  A) economical B) economy C) economic D) economics

  8. His constant _____ with his peers has left its mark on his growth.

  A) consent B) contract C) context D) contact

  9. _____ with his new teaching method, we need to take a critical look at our traditional ones.

  A) Cursed B) Depressed C) Impressed D) Fed up

  10. So clear was his _____ of the case that others had no more to say.

  A) attitude B) presentation C) comment D) remark

  11. When business is in _____, there is usually an obvious increase in unemployment.

  A) conviction B) relaxation C) depression D) competition

  12. Don’t take any action until you are fully _____ with the situation there.

  A) consented B) content C) obvious D) acquainted

  13. It is said that the math teacher seems _____ towards bright students.

  A) liable B) partial C) beneficial D) preferable

  14. The clothes a person wears may express his __D__ or social position.

  A) estate B) stature C) esteem D) status

  15. _____ with antique furniture, the castle brought us back in time to the Middle Ages.

  A) Ornamented B) Covered C) Impressed D) Improved

  16. One rainy night the policeman had a chance _____ with a gang of smugglers.

  A) acquaintance B) encounter C) account D) interview

  17. Newspapers vary greatly in their _____ to the government.

  A) attitudes B) comments C) views D) opinions

  18. A defect of vision prevents him from __ ___ his eyes accurately on an object.

  A) emphasizing B) relaxing C) focusing D) achieving

  19. In most cases, the _____ of a person who sits on a pin is to leap into the air.

  A) reaction B) behavior C) function D) instance

  20. Rich as they were in forms, the speaker’s _____ seemed unrelated to his speech.

  A) signs B) gesture C) symptoms D) symbols

  21. He built the team through both hard training and _____ discipline.

  A) loose B) physical C) rigid D) slack

  22. We were depressed _____ the bad news.

  A) at B) in C) for D) on

  23. She was delighted in _____ of friends and relatives.

  A) accommodation B) entertainment C) conviction D) commitment

  24. The days when he was _____ his best is already a thing of the past.

  A) in B) on C) with D) at

  25. Some people are not willing to _____ responsibility for the errors they made.

  A) ensure B) assure C) assume D) resume

  26. I speak in full _____ that our cause is just.

  A) conclusion B) assumption C) conviction D) determination

  27. Animals can become unusually _____ when they are upset by a sudden environment change.

  A) puzzling B) dominant C) aggressive D) vigorous

  28. Try to _____ your mind into the future and imagine what life will be like then.

  A) subject B) object C) project D) reject

  29. The boy felt so angry at the girl’s dominance that he could remain _____ no longer.

  A) positive B) passive C) optimistic D) pessimistic

  30. Computer software _____ some 70 percent of our range of products.

  A) picks up B) focuses on C) accounts for D) is based on

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