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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/11/07 10:44  学苑中心

  Proverb Today

  Care and diligence bring luck.


  Part One Vocabulary

  1.Farm incomes in this country used to ________ far behind the national average.

  A. retreatB. retard

  C. lag D. linger

  2.A good night’s sleep within 30 hours of trying to remember a new task is a _______ of having good recall in the weeks ahead, scientists have found.

  A. appealingB. call

  C. request D. prerequisite

  Part Two Reading

  Whether you do or do not open a gift in the presence of the giver; whether you should or should not turn the plate over to look at the maker's symbol on the back; whether you put your coat on before or after you leave the host's house; whether you eat as quietly or as noisily as possible; whether you carry on a conversation during a meal; whether you walk in front of or behind a seated person; whether it is a friendly or an offensive gesture to put your hand on the arm of the person with whom you are talking——these and a thousand other questions are matters of cultural definition. None of them is inherently right or wrong, and none is good or bad manners except as a society defines it so.

  Question:The topic sentence for this paragraph is__________________.

  Part Three Error Dection and Correction

  1.Either humans and animals learn by experience, and what is learned influences the planning

  [A] [B] [C]

  and carrying out of simple actions.


  2.Sometimes in life we do things that we might not feel like to do, but we do them anyway

  [A] [B] [C]

  because we feel “it’s the right thing to do”.



  Part One

  1 C 2 D

  Part Two

  None of them is inherently right or wrong, and none is good or bad manners except as a society defines it so.

  Part Three

  1A Both 2 B doing



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