2006/12/23 16:34 沪江英语
作者:上海新东方学校 四、六级听力明星教师 陈文笠 范广军 一、对话部分 11. D. Give her more information. 12. A. She’ll go without dessert. 13. D. The man can speak a foreign language. 14. C. See Prof. Smith 15. B. She can pass on the message for the man. 16. C. He’s got emotional problems. 17. A. It’s better to buy the tickets beforehand. 18. B. He turned suddenly and ran into a tree. 19. A. to attend a wedding in Montreal. 20. D. Brush up on her French. 21. C. It has many historical buildings. 22. A. It was about a little animal. 23. B. She can make a living by doing what she likes. 24. A. Her ideas. 25. D. She doesn’t really know where they originated. 二、段子部分 26. D. Record students’ weekly performance. 27. B. Lack of attention. 28. D. They should see to it that their children have adequate sleep. 29. C. She became a public figure. 30. C. A motorist’s failure to concentrate. 31. B. Nervous and unsure of herself. 32. D. Restrictions on cell phone use while driving. 33. A. There are too many kinds of cold viruses for them to identify. 34. B. They show our body is fighting the virus. 35. C. It actually does more harm than good. 三、听写部分 36. natural 37. usage 38. exception 39. particular 40. reference 41. essays 42. colleagues 43. personal 44. What we may find interesting is that it usually takes more words to be polite. 45. But to a stranger, I probably would say, “Would you mind closing the door?” 46. There are bound to be some words and phrases that belong in formal language and others that are informal. 四级阅读答案 作者:上海 新东方学校 四、六级阅读明星教师 郭将 沈志韬快速阅读答案: 1 N 2 N 3 Y 4 N 5 Y 6 Y 7 NG 8 move forward 9 looking back 10 the more you get back 15选10答案: 47 H primarily 48 N voluntary 49 O situation 50 A gap 51 L generate 52 C purchase 53 K insulted 54 G potential 55 D really 56 F extreme 精读答案: 57 A removing people’s bad living habits. 58 B good health is more than not being ill. 59 C is free from any kind of disease. 60 D to keep a proper balance between work and leisure. 61 D people who try to be as healthy as possible, regardless of their limitations. 62 B It is a kind of bottled water. 63 C bottled water is clearly superior to tap water. 64 D expensive bottled water with impressive 65 D Bottled water brings in huge profits. 66 A It is considered healthier.
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