
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年02月05日 17:59  考无忧试题网



  Ⅰ. Read the passage, then answer the questions. (朗读短文并回答问题)

  Indira is a country girl from India. She says, “In my family mum is the busiest. She feeds the animals and does all the housework. Dad does farm work in the daytime. When he comes back from the fields, he never does anything. Either mum or I cook super. Neither dad nor my brother helps. At night I also have to do a lot of homework. I don’t think this is right. Why don’t men do a bit of housework?”


  1.How many people are there in Indira’s family?

  2.Who is the busiest in the family?

  3.What is her father?

  4.Does her father do housework after he comes back from the fields?

  5.Who cooks supper at home?

  Ⅱ.Make a speech according to the topic (picture). (根据话题或看图讲英语)

  1. My class

  2. I like sports

  3. Going shopping

  4. My family

  5. Keeping our school clean

  6. I like English

  7. My good friend

  8. On Sunday

  9. My meals

  10. The weather here



  Ⅱ.情景选择 根据所给情景选择最佳答案。

  1. When you hear one of your classmates is ill, you should say: ______

  A. How is he/she? B. I’m sorry to hear that.

  C. Bad luck. D. It’s a pity.

  2. If someone says your handwriting is very good, your reply should be: ______

  A. Thank you! B. I don’t think so.

  C. No, it’s very poor. D. Oh, please don’t say so.

  3. If smoking is not allowed in a place, you can put a sign saying: ______

  A. Stop Smoking! B. No Smoking!

  C. Not to Smoke! D. Any One Must Not Smoke!

  4. If you help your friend do something and he/she expresses his/her thanks, your reply is: ______

  A. It’s a pleasure. B. No thanks.

  C. It’s nothing. D. No need to thank.

  5. If you are eating dinner with your friend and you want him/ her to eat some more of his/ her favorite dish, you should say: ______

  A. Eat slowly. B. Eat it up.

  C. Don’t stop. D. Help yourself.

  答案是:1-5. B A B A



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