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2008年01月29日 09:36 无忧雅思网
从1月的口语内容来看,4次考试的内容没有什么太大变化。所以请2月份考试的同学参考如下内容,2月2日,14,16,23日的同学都看这个就可以了。另外,有同学问我是不是口语内容太多了,但是第二部分同学可以上网查到,每次考试都有40个左右,所以无法缩小范围。这个是考试的趋势,有可能个别同学的问题不在预测范围。水平有限,请见谅。 参考教材:口语词汇:王陆807雅思口语词汇 范文:妙语连珠舌战考官 第一部分常规问题 Name Work/study Hometown Music Shopping Sport Film Reading TV program Weather Computer Living place Where are you living now? Do you like your living environment? Is it good or bad for children? Is there anything for improvement? New people Do you like meeting new people? Why? Please tell me about an interesting person you know recently? Clothing Park Photography Do you like taking photos? On what kind of situations do you take photos? Could you tell me one of your happy experiences of taking photos? Relax What do you do in your leisure time? What relaxation do people around you like? What kind of activities do people of your country do for relaxation? Why do people need leisure? Housework Drawing Do you like drawing? What are the benefits of drawing? What are the benefits of drawing for adults? 特别说明:由于各方面情况的不断调整与变化,新浪网所提供的所有考试信息仅供参考,敬请考生以权威部门公布的正式信息为准。
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