
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月11日 16:19   北文图书


  1. 基数词在句子中主要用作:


  Forty thousand people watched the game. 四万人观看了球赛。

  The United States is made up of fifty states. 美国由五十个州构成。


  There are six of us in all. 我们总共有六个人。

  Two(of us)are girls and four are boys. 两个是女生,四个是男生。


  How many do you want? —Two, please. 你要几个?—我要两个。

  The city has a population of twelve million. 这座城市有一千二百万人。


  We are altogether sixteen. 我们总共十六个人。

  Six plus nine is fifteen. 六加九等于十五。


  Is there room for us three? 有我们三个人的地方吗?

  We two took care of the children. 我们两个人照看孩子。

  2. 基数词可以表示岁数,钟点等:

  I lost my father when I was ten. 我十岁时我爸爸去世了。

  The plane takes off at 5:45. 飞机五点三刻起飞。

  He was born in 1995. 他生于1995年。

  3. 基数词还可用于复数形式:

  Hundreds of new buildings have been put up this year. 今年盖起了数以百计的新楼。

  Millions of people were killed in the war. 战争中死了数以百万计的人。

  He was in his early thirties. 他三十一二岁。

  This took place in 1930s. 这是(二十世纪)三十年代发生的事。


  I. 说出数词在下面句子中的作用:

  1. Sixteen ounces make one pound. ( )

  2. He saved half a million pound in these years. ( )

  3. Three of them got to the top of the mountain. ( )

  4. Four plus two is six. ( )( )( )

  5. Father left the country when I was four. ( )

  6. Please meet me in the office at six. ( )

  7. Then the three of us left for the airport. ( )

  8. Where did you two get to know each other? ( )

  9. She is in her sixties. ( )

  10. Thousands of people lost their jobs. ( )

  II. 把下面句子译为汉语:

  1. They have lived there for hundreds of years.

  2. Then the Indians began to die in their thousands.

  3. Then we saw tens of thousands of sea birds.

  4. Millions of stars twinkled in the night sky.

  5. It must be worth a million pounds.

  6. Four million(people)were affected.

  7. Two million(dollars)was withdrawn from the account.

  8. I still have a million things to do.

  9. He is in his early 20’s.

  10. They left in twos and threes.

  11. Millions of people lost their jobs in that year.

  12. All things on the earth are made up of millions upon millions of atoms.

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