
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月11日 16:19   北文图书


  1. 小数的读法如下:

  7.9 seven point nine

  0.4 zero(或nought)point four

  0.03 (nought)point nought three 或zero point zero three

  602.09 six hundred and two point oh nine

  2. 小数作定语时较多:

  Our grain output is now 2.8 times that of 2000. 我们现在的粮食产量是2000年产量的2.8倍。

  Its total output value was up over 5.9 times in these years. 在这些年里它的生产总值增长了5.9倍以上。

  3. 百分数由per cent(美作percent)表示,多和by连用,作状语:

  Our output of cotton went up by 20 per cent. 我们的棉花产量增长了百分之二十。

  The price was reduced by 15 per cent. 价格降低了百分之十五。


  Its grain output was 17.6 per cent higher than in 2000. 它的粮食产量比2000年增长了百分之十七点六。

  Our output value of chemical fertilizer was 12 per cent above that of the previous year. 我们化肥产量比前一年提高了百分之十二。

  4. 有时可用作主语(a),宾语(b),定语(c)或状语(d):

  a. 40 per cent of the students are women. 百分之四十的学生是女生。

  b. Blacks constitute ten per cent of the population. 黑人占人口的百分之十。

  c. It showed a 17 per cent increase over February. 它比二月份增长百分之十七。

  d. I think it’s ninety per cent probable. 我看有百分之九十的可能性。


  I. 读出下面小数词:









  II. 把下列句子译为汉语:

  1. Our industrial output value was up 2.6 times during that period.

  2. Its diameter is 1.3 million km.

  3. His salary was increased by 10 per cent.

  4. Its grain output went up 12.5 per cent last year.

  5. It includes a ten percent tax and service charge.

  6. Stainless steel contains about 12% of chromium.

  7. Ten per cent of the pupils are absent today.

  8. I paid him four percent interest.

  9. 12 is 1 percent of 1200.

  10. Its total output value increased 12.5 per cent over the previous year.

  11. I’m not a hundred per cent convinced myself.

  12. Prices have risen 0.2 per cent in the past year.

  13. Over ninety per cent of all families there own a television.

  14. Poor families spend about 80 per cent of their income on food.

  15. What per cent of the population is(are)overweight?

  16. House prices rose over six per cent last year.

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